How to Get Smell Out of Sippy Cup

Sippy cups are a staple item in most homes with toddlers. Available with or without handles, they are designed to teach children how to drink from a cup without spilling any of the liquid. As any parent or caregiver knows all too well, these cups can get thrown or misplaced very easily. That’s where the problem with odor comes in. It doesn’t take long for milk, juice and other drinks to start turning into to funky mess. You would have to be a brave soul to take the lid off some of these science experiments but it’s all in a day’s work when you have little ones around.


It may be tempting to simply toss the cup out in the trash when you discover a stank issue, but that solution is not the most practical one. A young child may balk at drinking from a cup that smell funky, too. The goal is to get Junior to want to drink from the cup, after all. Before tossing the cups to the curb, take the top off, remove the plastic piece that sits under the lid, and do your best try to remove the smell. If the reek really can’t be resolved despite your best efforts, then you may need to dispose of the cup. In many cases, you can deal with it using one of these methods.



How to Get Smell Out of Sippy Cup

1 Baking Soda and Lemon Paste

Make a paste with lemon juice and baking soda. Scrub the sippy cup all over. You could also apply the paste and let it sit overnight. Rinse with hot water to dissolve the paste.


2 Dawn Dish Soap Solution

Give any funky zippy cups the Dawn dish soap treatment. Fill up your sink with hot water and squirt a small amount into each cup. The Orange antibacterial version should get rid of the problem and it won’t leave an aftertaste in the plastic cup. For some extra cleaning power, go over the inside of the cup with a baby bottle brush. The small end is just the thing to get into the nooks and crannies under the lid.


3 Denture Cleaning Tablet Throw Down

Put the stanky sippy cups into a sink full of warm water. Add a couple of denture cleaning tablets. You can pick up this product at a pharmacy. The tablets should fizz up and take care of any grime that is causing the problem. This solution works really well if the funkiness is due to odor trapped in the white plastic piece in the lid.


4 Run Them Through a Dishwasher Cycle

The cups should be safe on the top rack of the dishwasher. Run them through a cycle in the dishwasher on very hot water. The dishwasher soap and the jets from the machine may help to get the smell out. Try taking the inserts out and putting them in the cutlery rack if you can get them out easily.


5 Vinegar and Water Wash

Give your zippy cups a wash with white vinegar and water. You can try boiling them on the stove first to sterilize them. Then soak them in the vinegar. Follow up the vinegar soak by washing them with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly before using the cups again.


6 Baking Soda and Boiling Water

Baking soda is a safe household product that will get the smell out of your cups. Start by measuring out two or three Tablespoons into the bottom of each cup. Fill to the top with boiling water. Let the cup soak overnight. Wash with soap and hot water.


7 Bleach and Water Cleanup

Add one cup of bleach to a sink of hot water. Soak your sippy cups for 15 minutes. If you only need to clean up one cup, fill a small saucepan with water and add two or three Tablespoons of bleach instead of using your sink for this purpose.


How to Get Smell Out of Airstream Travel Trailer

The Airstream travel trailer has been described as an American cultural icon. The first thought that crosses a potential owner’s mind is not how badly these things can stink. They can develop smells from mold, pets, and former owners who smoked. Over time, these trailers do leak. Once water gets in, they start to take on a dank, musty smell that only gets worse over time.


If a trailer has been closed up for a time, it can develop a stale smell that will need to be dealt with to make spending time in the unit much more pleasant. Eventually, the floor of the trailer can start to rot. Airstream owners will need to check for signs of damage at the back of the trailer. A major smell problem that gets worse over time may be a sign of a growing mold problem and warrants further investigation. This type of issue can be time-consuming and expensive to repair.



How to Get Smell Out of Airstream Travel Trailer

1 Open a Box of Baking Soda

To get rid of musty smells or pet odors, open up a fresh box of baking soda. Place it in the middle of the floor. Close up the trailer and leave it for a few days. When you come back, give it a good sniff to see whether the stank is gone. If not, close it back up and let the baking soda work for a few more days and check again. Keep repeating the process until you are satisfied with the result.


2 Load it up with Dryer Sheets

You can freshen up a trailer by using dryer sheets. Start by picking up a couple of economy size boxes in your favorite scent. Put them all over the interior of the unit, including inside cabinets. Shut the trailer for at least a week and then let it air out. The stank will be replaced by the fresh scent from the dryer sheets.


3 Replace the Carpet

The source of the stank may be mold under the carpet in the trailer. Replacing the flooring may solve the funk problem. As a bonus, you will get a clean, fresh look. Before you choose new flooring, make a point of shopping around to check out your options and find the best deal. Make sure you pull out the old tackstrip, put bleach on the floor where the strip had been and install a new one.


4 Put up New Curtains

Curtains can absorb odors and get moldy over time. You can give your trailer an updated look and get rid of some stank by replacing your window treatments. If you aren’t handy with a sewing machine, find a local seamstress who can make some new ones for you at a reasonable price.


5 Ice Cream Salt Solution

This solution has the advantage of being economical and easy to implement. Buy some ice cream salt (also known as rock salt) from Walmart, a grocery store or a pool supply outlet. Put it in trays. Place the trays in various places throughout the trailer to absorb odors.


6 Rent an Ozone Generator

Run an ozone generator inside the travel trailer to get rid of unwanted odors. These machines work by creating ozone and attacking the odor at its source. Consider this option if you are dealing with mold, pet or smoke issues in the trailer. The units are available in different sizes, depending on the size the trailer you need to deodorize. Some models come equipped with a timer that you can set to run for up to 60 minutes at a time. The doors and windows of the trailer would be closed while the machine is running. You would set up the machine for a cycle and let it run. If the odor persists after the first cycle, you can repeat it.


How to Get Pepper Spray Smell Out of Car

The aroma of pepper spray is one of those smells that is difficult to describe. One of the best descriptions we have found is that it’s something like cutting onions, only 100 times stronger. It’s this distinctive aroma that makes it such an effective deterrent against an attacker. One shot of this stuff to the face, and the burning of the skin and eyes will stop a would-be criminal in his tracks. If you carry this stuff for self-defense and it gets spilled in your car by mistake, you will want to eliminate the scent as soon as possible.


Even though the initial onslaught of burning will only last for a relatively short time, it’s possible to get a lingering whiff of the pepper spray later. It can cling to soft surfaces in the vehicle for some time. If the spray gets into your ventilation system, you could be treated to this particularly nasty smell every time you turn on the car’s air conditioning system. You will want to be sure that you have eliminated all traces of the spray from your ride by giving it a thorough cleaning. This step will save you from inhaling Eau de Ant Killer when you are traveling on the freeway.



How to Get Pepper Spray Out of Car

1 Crack Open the Doors and Windows

The best thing you can do to get rid of the smell of pepper spray is bring some air into your vehicle. Get the windows and doors open right away. Run the exhaust fan, too. The sooner you can lower the stankiness in the car, the sooner it will be easier for you to breathe in there.


2 Shampoo Car Seats

The cloth car seats will need to be shampooed to get rid of this special kind of funkiness. Use cool water and upholstery shampoo to clean them. Rinse well to remove all traces of the detergent. Let the seats dry thoroughly. Give them a sniff to determine whether you need to repeat the process.


3 Wipe Down All the Vinyl and Leather Surfaces

All the vinyl and leather surfaces inside the vehicle will need to be wiped down to get rid of the pepper spray smell. You can use a dish detergent and cool water for this purpose. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands. Rinse well after wiping off the affected spots.


4 Clean Glass with Dish Detergent

Use dish detergent and cool water to wipe down the glass in your ride. You don’t need to use a large amount of soap to deal with the stank issue. Add a drop of detergent to a small pail of water to get started. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. Wash the glass in sections. Dry with a soft cloth or paper towels before moving on to the next section.


How to Get Cat Smell Out of Carpet

We may love our furry felines but cat pee is one of the hardest smells to get rid of once it has invaded a carpet. The ammonia smell will last long after the initial incident. Whether it was Mr. Friskie’s way of saying that the litter box needed changing or someone was marking his territory, the gagging smell of pee is not something you want to have waiting to tap you on the shoulder every time you walk into your home. You don’t want to be holding your nose when you come in the door.


Unfortunately, once a cat starts peeing on the carpet, the critter will likely repeat the behavior. Unless you nip this P.U. problem in the bud, you will be stuck dealing with it over and over again. The more often the carpet gets wet, the more likely the smell will penetrate into the underpad. The urine may even reach the subfloor, which will cause an even bigger (and more expensive) mess to clean up. Choose a solution that attacks the stink issue by getting down into the carpet to neutralize the smell. We have some great suggestions for your consideration.



How to Get Cat Smell Out of Carpet

1 White Vinegar the Smell Out

White vinegar is a good solution to the problem of getting kitty smell out of your carpet for a couple of reasons. It will get the smell out of the carpet and act as a deterrent against future incidents. The vinegar may be applied either straight or diluted to the carpet to get rid of the smell. You can also place a bowl of white vinegar on your carpet near the spot where you have done the cleaning job. The cat will be repelled by the smell and is not likely to return. You can leave the bowl of vinegar in place for a few days to discourage kitty from returning to the same spot in your carpet.


2 Vinegar-Baking Soda-Peroxide One-Two-Three Punch

This solution to involves using three steps to getting the cat smell out of your carpet. First, mix up a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Pour it onto the carpet and allow it to penetrate deep into the carpet fibers. Blot the carpet with paper towels to dry the surface as much as possible. A wet/dry vacuum cleaner may be used for this purpose as well. Sprinkle a handful of baking soda over the area. Mix 1/4 of a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing liquid. Drizzle or spray the liquid over the baking soda. Work the liquid and baking soda into the carpet with a scrub brush, tooth brush or your fingers. Allow it to dry. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum up the baking soda. Use a hard bristled brush to remove it from the surface of the carpet. You should be left with a fresh-smelling floor.


3 Enzyme-based Cleaners from the Pet Store

Pay a visit to your pet store to check for solutions to your kitty smell problem. The staff can point you in the direction of some enzyme-based cleaning products. Nature’s Miracle is one popular brand but you may also want to try PetZyme to get the smell out.


4 Get Rid of It with Norwex Odour Eliminator

Norwex is a Norwegian company that has been in business since 1994. Its Odor Eliminator will get rid of all kinds of gnarly smells, including cat pee, from carpets. Use one part Odor Eliminator to seven parts water. The product is available from one of the company’s independent sales consultants.


5 Listerine and Hot Water the Problem Away

Add a few drops of Listerine mouth wash to a copy of hot water Pour it onto your stinky carpet. The alcohol in the Listerine is a disinfectant, and will get rid of the smell in your floor covering.


How to Get Smell Out of Memory Foam

People who have made the switch to memory foam and are enjoying its benefits will tell you that they are getting the best nights’ sleep ever. They may fail to mention that this material really knows how to hold a stank. Like the name implies, the product takes in certain smells and commits them to memory. Smoke, body odors, and pet accidents are all stored inside and are not given up easily.


When you decide to clean your memory foam mattress, you will need to do so very carefully. You may need a second person to help you gently squeeze out any excess water without twisting the foam. While it certainly is understandable that you want to get rid of the smell as quickly as possible, it’s important to work carefully to avoid damaging the foam. Take your time and choose the solution that makes the most sense to you before you start.



How to Get Smell Out of Memory Foam

1 Fabric Spray the Stink Away

A simple way to remove odors from memory foam in a hurry is to spray it with a fabric spray. Febreze or FreshCare will freshen up the foam. Both products can reduce or eliminate smells like cigarette smoke, urine or vomit.


2 Sprinkle Some Baking Soda on the Situation

Baking soda is a product that can be found in many households. To deal with a stinky problem with memory foam, sprinkle it directly on top of the mattress, pillow or topper. Let it sit overnight. Vaccum up the baking soda the next day with a soft brush attachment or a hand-held portable unit.


3 Use Some Citrus-Cleaner Spray

Try spraying a citrus-based cleaner on the source of the smell. Give it a light mist with the product and let it dry. Once the foam has dried, go over it with the soft brush of your vacuum cleaner.


4 Mix Up a Vinegar and Water Solution

Vinegar is an effective and economical ingredient for getting rid of odors. Mix up a solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and 3/4 cup of water. Pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the solution all over the memory foam mattress. Rinse the mattress with water by gently pressing down on it. Leave the mattress in a well-ventilated area to dry. It may take a day or two for the process to be completed.


5 Natural Lemon Juice and Water Cleaner

You can mix up your own natural cleaning solution to deal with smelly memory foam. Combine one cup of lemon juice with one cup of water. Put it in a spray bottle. Spray it onto the mattress. Use a blow dryer to dry any heavily soaked areas; otherwise, allow the mattress to air dry for a day or two before using it again.


6 Nature’s Miracle to the Rescue

If the source of the odor is organic in nature, pick up some Nature’s Miracle. This specialty product is available at pet stores. Drench the affected area and walk on it with some old towels to sop up the liquid. You will need to leave it for a day or so to let it dry. The product should get rid of the stank completely.


7 Rent an Ozone Air Purifier Machine

Ozone machines clean the air in the space in which they are placed. They are available in difference sizes, depending on the space you need to freshen up. Start by removing your mattress cover, if you have one. Place the ozone machine on top of the bed. Cover the machine with your bed spread. Close the bedroom door. Let the machine run for a couple of hours. Some machines are equipped with a timer which will shut off the unit automatically. If the smell is still present after the first treatment, run the machine for another session.


How to Get Rid of Tuna Fish Smell

Tuna fish is a good that many people enjoy, but it ranks very high on the Stank-O-Meter. If you decide to make yourself a sandwich or a salad, there is no keeping your mealtime choice a secret. Everyone will know what you decided to eat. The smell will just fill up the room and hover there like the second cousins at a family reunion. Whether you actually like tuna or not, no one wants to smell someone else’s fish. Even the people who fish for tuna or who work in a processing plant don’t want to smell tuna.


We’ve done our homework and come up with solutions to conquer the issue of dealing with battling tuna smells in clothing, how to get this fishy smell out of your kitchen, and some steps you can take toe eliminate the smell of tuna during meal preparation.We appreciate that you may enjoy eating the product but the smell may be a completely different matter entirely. We offer a variety of solutions you can use right away so you can carry on enjoying eating your tuna but not necessarily subjecting your nose to the evidence that you are doing so.



How To Get Rid of Tuna Fish Smell From Clothes

1 Woolite Pet Stain Carpet Cleaner in the Wash

Give your regular laundry detergent a boost by adding some Woolite Pet Stain Carpet Cleaner when you are washing your tuna clothes. Mix one cup of this product with your detergent to combat the fishy smell. Your clothes will come out smelling clean and fresh.


2 Lemon Juice Soak

Another strategy for getting rid of the tuna stank is to soak the clothes overnight in lemon juice. Start by getting a five gallon bucket. Pour a pint of lemon juice in it, add the clothes and cover them with water. Wash them as usual in the morning.


3 Add Pinesol to Your Laundry

To get rid of the tuna smell, try adding a capful of Pinesol to the wash water. This all-purpose cleaner will cut through the smell and leave a fresh scent. You should be able to find it in a grocery or hardware store.


4 White Vinegar in the Wash

White vinegar is a product that can be used to get the smell out of your clothing. Add a cup to your wash water to cut through the stank. You may want to give the tuna clothes an extra rinse to ensure you got rid of all of the vinegar smell, too.


How to Get Tuna Smell Out of Your Kitchen

1 Dishwasher Detergent and a Brush

To get rid of tuna stink from a cutting board, your knives and other kitchen tools, roll up your sleeves and get some powdered dishwasher detergent and d small brush. The best choice will be one that has fairly stiff bristles. Wash your cutting board with the soap and use the brush to give it a good scrubbing. The brush should help you to get into any little nooks and crannies where tuna particles may be hiding. Repeat the process with your knives and andy other tools you used to prepare a meal or snack with the tuna. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.


2 Bleach the Stink Out

Mix up a mild (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) solution. Soak your knives, cutting boards, and any other items that came into contact with the tuna in the solution. Rinse with warm water and allow to dry.


3 Vinegar and Water Boil

Pour one cup of water to a medium-sized pot. Add 3 Tablespoons of white vinegar. Put it on the stove and bring it to a boil. Let it boil for a few minutes to absorb any nasty smells in the room.


4 Open a Window

Increasing the ventilation in your kitchen will help to air out the room. Crack open the windows to flush the tuna smell out of your home more quickly. This is an excellent strategy if you are expecting guests and don’t want them getting a whiff of your lunch menu when they arrive.


How to Remove Tuna Smell During Meal Preparation

1 Squeeze a Lemon

Squeeze a bit of lemon juice onto your tuna to lower the stank factor. Adding a little bit of lemon will also enhance the flavor of the fish. Once you have finished preparing your tuna sandwich or salad, squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl of water and soak your hands for a few minutes. This will get rid of the fishy smell and leave them fresh smelling.


2 Distilled Vinegar Treatment

Fill you sink with water and add some distilled vinegar. Soak the dishes you are using to prepare the food in the water. Wipe off your countertop with a cloth that has been dipped in the vinegar and water to keep the tuna smell at bay. You can also soak your hands in the vinegar and water in the same manner as if you were using the lemon juice and water.


How to Get Rid of Fried Food Smell

Preparing a dish that involves frying chicken, fish or another ingredient often leaves a tell-tell aroma in the kitchen. While we may love our comfort foods, the smell they leave behind is not comforting or welcome in our homes. We don’t want any greasy reminders of what we ate for dinner smacking us in the face when we enter the kitchen later on. It just makes the kitchen, our clothing and our hair smell dirty. Some people do take the time to scrub down all visible surfaces when they make fried chicken or a similar meal, but that isn’t always practical.


No one wants to walk into someone’s house and be hit with a wall of cooking stank. These kinds of greasy smells seem to attach to everything in the kitchen, including the person preparing the food. It’s one thing to tell someone what you had for dinner, but it’s quite another when people around you can sniff it out. Check out the solutions listed here and you won’t have to worry about this particular kind of stank again.




How to Get Rid of Fried Food Smell from House

1 Vinegar Dishtowel Wave

To get rid of lingering cooking smells from your home, take a clean dishcloth and dip it in vinegar. Wring it out until it is damp to the touch. Wave it around in your kitchen. Granted, you may not want to have any witnesses around when you try this solution, but we have it on good authority that it will help to get rid of the cooking smells quickly.


2 Ammonia Bowl Rescue

Setting out a small bowl of ammonia for a couple of days (or at least overnight) will get rid of the cooking smell in your kitchen. You can also substitute vinegar for the ammonia if you wish. Both of these products will effectively absorb the smell.


3 Cinnamon on a Cookie Sheet

This solution is quite aromatic and replaces the P.U. of grease with something much more pleasant. Take a cookie sheet and cover it with aluminum foil. Sprinkle some cinnamon on the cookie sheet and bake it on low heat in the oven. The kitchen will smell like cinnamon instead of fried food.


4 Crack Open a Window

Cracking open an a window and keeping the kitchen well ventilated during cooking will help to keep the friend food smell at bay. You will also want to get rid of your cooking oil as soon as you have finished preparing the meal. Wash your frying pans, pots and utensils promptly to make short work of this particular stank.


Remove Fried Food Smell from Clothing

1 10 Minute Dryer Solution

This is a solution that will help you get rid of the smell without washing your clothes. Take your smelly clothes and place them into the dryer. Add a dryer sheet in a fragrance you particularly like. Run the dryer for about 10 minutes. When you take your clothes out, they will be freshened up and and ready to wear.


2 Take the Issue Outside

Hang your stanky clothes outside in a sunny spot. Leave them for several days and let the combination of the sun’s rays and the breeze do their bit to remove the smell. It can take up to a week for you to get results, so you will need to be patient with this one.


3 Vodka Spray-down Technique

This one may seem a bit unusual, but we hear that it will work. Buy some inexpensive vodka and put it in a spray bottle. Mist your stinky clothes with it. The vodka will evaporate and the smell will disappear.


4 Refresh the Fabric with Febreze

Spray some fabric refresher on your clothes to bring them back to life. A light misting should do the trick. Try Febreze or one of the other brands on the market for this purpose. As the product dries, it will lift out the greasy smell trapped in its fibers.


5 Steam the Smell Out

Hang your clothes up in the bathroom while you are in the shower. The idea here is not to let your clothing get wet, but just allow them to get a kind of steam bath. It will help lift out the smell from the fabric. (This technique can also help to remove a few wrinkles from clothes if you don’t have time to get out the iron.)


Get Rid of Fried Food Smell from Your Hair

1 Use a Dry Shampoo

Beauty supply stores carry specialty products designed to clean hair without using water. Read the directions on the package before use. This type of shampoo can be used to remove the lingering smell from last night’s meal from your hair.


2 Citrus Shampoo it Out

Try using a citrus-scented shampoo to get rid of this particular type of funkiness. Look for a product with a lemon or orange scent for best results. Hit the shower and lather up twice in succession for best results. Rinse the product out of your hair thoroughly.


How to Get Rid of Incense Smell

A number of people  enjoy burning inside its in their home but this is a very personal choice. Even the most soothing lavender fragrance can become overwhelming after a while. It can start to cause headaches and make someone feel nauseous if the room is not well ventilated. Some people are simply offended by any type of incense. To them, it all just smells stinky, period.


The problem with burning incense in a room is that it contains oils which cling to surfaces. If the occupants of the room were not diligent in keeping its surfaces clean, it’s possible to for someone to move into a space and inherit the previous owner or tenant’s smell as well as the space. For someone who is not a fan of incense, this disinherited reek would be particularly offensive. The room simply would never smell clean. For that reason, we’ve included tips for dealing with making the room shipshape, and dealing with any residual stink that might have gotten into clothing as well.



How to Get Rid of Incense Smell from Room

1 Degrease Treatment for Walls and Trim

Clean the walls with a degreasing all-purpose cleaner. You will want to use something like Lestoil for this purpose. Make sure to wash the baseboards, ceiling and any wooden floors thoroughly as well. Rinse with plain water and allow to dry thoroughly.


2 Treat Walls with TSP

You can buy TSP (Trisodium Phosphate) a paint shop or hardware store. It is a cleaner that is used to prepare surfaces for painting. Mix up a mild solution of the cleaner with water and use it to wash down the walls would work and your ceiling. Be sure to read the directions carefully, since this product will take the shine off of painted surfaces if you use a high concentration of powder to water in the mix.


3 Activated Charcoal Solution

Activated charcoal will absorb gnarly odors in the room or closet that has been exposed to incense. The best part about this solution is that you can recharge the charcoal by placing it outdoors or baking it in the oven if it starts to lose its door-absorbing qualities. (Read the instructions on the packaging for specific instructions if you decide to put it in the oven.) Simply place the charcoal on plates and leave it out in various locations throughout the space. It may take several days for you to notice a difference, but over time the smell from the incense should dissipate.


4 Ammonia the Stank Out of the Room

If you have the luxury of being able to close up the room for time, try filling the bowl with ammonia. Leave it for a few days. When you come back, the incense smell should be gone. You can also try using white vinegar or bowls of baking soda instead.


5 Pet Store Enzyme Cleaner

You can find a solution to your problem of getting the smell of incense out of your carpet and furniture by paying a visit to your pet store. Nature’s Miracle is a product used to clean up pet accidents. It contains enzymes to break down unpleasant odors. It will work its way into soft surfaces like your carpet and fabric furniture to get rid of the stank from the intense. Use it with a rug shampoo or spray it onto the floor, let it soak in for a few minutes, and then shampoo it back up. For furniture, use the furniture attachment.


Remove Incense Smell from Clothes

1 Spray with Fabric Refresher

Give the affected clothing a spritz with some Febreze or another fabric refresher spray. As it dries, it will eliminate the odor from the fabric. If the problem is a minor one, this may be all you need.


2 Spritz with Rubbing Alcohol Solution

Mix up a mild solution of rubbing alcohol and water. Use 1 part rubbing alcohol to 10 parts water. Put it in a spray bottle. Give the clothes a light misting. As they dry, the smell from the incense will leave them. The alcohol will evaporate very quickly.


3 Use an Ozone Generator

Clothing should be deodorized before it is cleaned. Otherwise the incense odor could become set in the fabric. Ozone generators can be rented, or you could choose to buy one. Hang the clothing up in the room place the ozone generator inside and run it for a few hours the machine turns oh zone into oxygen and eliminates the incense smell.


4 Take the Clothes Outside

Fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for getting rid of many types of stinky smells, including ones from incense. You can hang up your items outside or place them on a clean sheet in a sunny spot. Leave them outside for several hours. Check them to make sure the smell is gone before taking them inside again.


How to Get Rid of Paint Thinner Smell

If you are working with oil-based paint, you also have to deal with paint thinner. The product is very effective at cleaning brushes, rollers and hands after a job, but boy does it stink! There is nothing natural or inviting about this smell, either. It’s all chemical and offensive on the nostrils. You can’t get rid of that stank soon enough.


The paint thinner stank is certainly far from subtle. Once it gets into your carpet, hands or clothing, it is a very stubborn one to get rid of. No one wants to be getting a whiff of this stank. It is completely offensive to the sinuses is liable to stop you dead in your tracks. Before you start to get a headache from the fumes, choose one of these helpful solutions to solve the problem.



How to Get Rid of Paint Thinner Smell from Carpet

1 Rub the Spot with Alcohol

If you have had a mishap with spilling some paint thinner on your carpet, try using some alcohol to get rid of the oil residue from the fibers in your floor. Pour some alcohol onto a clean, white rag. Rub it onto the spot. Repeat the process several times. The alcohol will evaporate quickly and should lift out the smell with it.


2 Baking Soda and Essential Oil Removal

This solution for removing the smell of paint thinner from your carpet involves a few steps. First. take a white rag and blot up as much of the liquid as you can. Next, mis 10 drops of an essential oil with two cups of baking soda. Sprinkle the mixture onto the carpet. Leave in place for at least one hour. If possible, leave the baking soda and oil on the floor overnight. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly.


3 Get Some Air on the Situation

Opening a window and running a fan may take care of the paint thinner stank. It will take some time to get rid of the smell. Do not run a heater or expose the paint thinner to any source of an open spark or flame; you may end up starting a fire.


Remove Paint Thinner Smell from Hands

1 Boraxo Scrubdown

To get the paint thinner stank off your hands, start with Boraxo. This product is a powder that is a combination of borax and soap. Apply it to wet hands and scrub vigorously. It is normal for the product to heat slightly as it works, so don’t be alarmed when this happens.


2 Olive Oil Clean Up

Rub a little baby oil on your hands to get rid of the paint thinner smell.  Baby oil is a good alternative if you don’t have any olive oil in the house. Both of these products will remove any remaining paint thinner and the stank from your digits. Dry with a paper towel and discard it in the trash.


3 Clean Up with GOJO Hand Cleaner

GOJO is a specialty line of hand cleaning products. The company produces a Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner that would get the smell of the paint thinner out, leaving a more pleasant citrus aroma in its stead. Oranges beat the smell of chemicals any day. Read the label and use as directed. Dry your hands with paper towels.



Get Paint Thinner Smell Out of Clothes

1 Vanilla Extract Wash

Separate the stinky clothes from your regular wash and add them to your machine. Add one-half of a small bottle of vanilla extract to the wash water. Run the wash cycle about halfway through and stop the machine. Let it stand for several hours. Resume the wash cycle and add a small amount of detergent at this point. Let it finish as normal.


2 White Vinegar Solution

To get the stink out, try soaking the clothes in a solution of warm water and two Tablespoons of white vinegar. Leave the clothes in place for 30 minutes. Rinse in cool water. Another  variation you could try is to pour undiluted white vinegar on the clothing and allow it to sit for 30-60 minutes before washing as normal.


3 Lacquer Thinner Soak

Buy some lacquer thinner at a hardware or paint store. You should also be able to pick up this product in the Paint Section at Home Depot or Wal-Mart. Soak the clothes in the product. Take the stanky items out and let them sit until dry. The thinner will clean the cloth and get the smell out.


4 Dish Soap Rescue

This solution to getting the smell of paint thinner out of your clothes also involves a couple of steps. First, pour a small amount of laundry detergent directly onto the stanky item. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Do not wash it with your other clothes. You don’t want the smell and fumes to get mixed in with your regular laundry. Wash it with 1/4 cup of liquid dish soap that has degreasing properties. Dawn is one brand that should work well for this purpose.


How to Get Rid of Rotten Meat Smell

If you are unfortunate enough to encounter the Smell of Death, aka rotten meat smell, it is a stench you won’t soon forget. It has the capacity to make even people who brag about having a cast-iron stomach feel like they are going to throw up. The smell is just completely rotten. You may not even be able to stay in the same room once you encounter it. This is a world-class stink, and it means business. It’ll slap you up the side of the head before you know what hit you, and don’t even think about asking for mercy. You won’t find any from this rotten stank.  This guide will teach you How to Get Rid of Rotten Meat Smell.


A meat mishap can happen with a freezer, refrigerator or in a travel trailer, so we’ve offered solutions for all of these situations. You may be faced with these kinds of funky situations following a power outage. They can also happen if you forget about a package of meat in the back of your fridge. In the case of a travel trailer, it’s very easy to overlook food in the refrigerator/freezer section after your last trip of the season. If you are ever in the unfortunate position of having to deal with this horrible smell, the solutions listed here will tame it.



How to Get Rid of Rotten Meat Smell from Freezer

1 Baking Soda and Lemon the Smell Out

To deal with a major league smell issue like rotten meat, you are going to have to load up the freezer with a lot of baking soda. Let it sit and rinse well with water. Then cut a lemon in half and rub down the inside of the freezer with the juicy side out. Repeat the process a few times until the smell is gone. An alternative to this solution is to make a paste with baking soda and lemon and scrub the inside of the freezer to bring the funk factor down.


2 Tomato Juice Trick

This solution is from the “Simple But Effective” file. Pour some tomato juice into the freezer. Close the lid and let it sit for at least a day before cleaning it out with some all-purpose cleaner. This should get rid of the rotten meat smell.


3 White Vinegar in a Bowl Solution

Fill a bowl with pure white vinegar. Place it inside the freezer and leave it in place for a few days. The vinegar will absorb the odor and freshen up the freezer.


Get Rotten Meat Smell Out of Refrigerator

1 Coffee Grounds on a Plate

Pour unused coffee grounds on some shallow plates or aluminum foil pie plates. Place them on shelves at different levels in your refrigerator. Close the door and give the grounds a few days to absorb the stank. You may want to give them a stir every so often to help the process along.


2 Charcoal Out the Smell

Rotten meat stank is no match for activated charcoal. You should be able to find some at a hardware store or a garden center. Place the charcoal on a plate or or a low bowl in your fridge. The charcoal will absorb the smell. Give the charcoal a few days to work, and the problem of a stanky fridge will be solved.


3 Baking Soda and Vanilla Extract

Another good way to get the stench of rotten meat out of your refrigerator is to mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with one or two Tablespoons of vanilla extract. Place the bowl on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator. Leave it in place for a few days. This mixture should effectively get rid of the smell from your fridge.



Remove Rotten Meat Smell from Travel Trailer

1 Bleach the Smell Out

The refrigerator/freezer unit of a travel trailer can be a haven for the smell of rotten meat if the unit is not emptied out in between trips. Mix up a solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach to three parts water) with some dish detergent. Wash the unit out thoroughly and rinse with clean water.


2 Apply OdorXit and Get it Out

OdorXit is a specialty product made to remove the smell of rotten meat or fish. This product is safe to use in travel trailers, cars, and trucks. It can also be used on furniture, clothing, and leather goods. The product is available online by special order. Use as directed for best results.


3 Newspaper Pack-in

Start by giving the refrigerator/freezer unit a good cleaning. Next, pack it with some old newspapers. Close the door and leave the papers in place for several days. The papers will absorb the funky smell. Take out the papers after a few days and check the unit. If you still smell rotten meat, replace the papers and close it up for a few more days. Keep replacing the newspapers until the rotten smell is gone. This is a simple and cost-effective way to deal with the smell issue.
