How to Get Cat Smell Out of Carpet

We may love our furry felines but cat pee is one of the hardest smells to get rid of once it has invaded a carpet. The ammonia smell will last long after the initial incident. Whether it was Mr. Friskie’s way of saying that the litter box needed changing or someone was marking his territory, the gagging smell of pee is not something you want to have waiting to tap you on the shoulder every time you walk into your home. You don’t want to be holding your nose when you come in the door.


Unfortunately, once a cat starts peeing on the carpet, the critter will likely repeat the behavior. Unless you nip this P.U. problem in the bud, you will be stuck dealing with it over and over again. The more often the carpet gets wet, the more likely the smell will penetrate into the underpad. The urine may even reach the subfloor, which will cause an even bigger (and more expensive) mess to clean up. Choose a solution that attacks the stink issue by getting down into the carpet to neutralize the smell. We have some great suggestions for your consideration.



How to Get Cat Smell Out of Carpet

1 White Vinegar the Smell Out

White vinegar is a good solution to the problem of getting kitty smell out of your carpet for a couple of reasons. It will get the smell out of the carpet and act as a deterrent against future incidents. The vinegar may be applied either straight or diluted to the carpet to get rid of the smell. You can also place a bowl of white vinegar on your carpet near the spot where you have done the cleaning job. The cat will be repelled by the smell and is not likely to return. You can leave the bowl of vinegar in place for a few days to discourage kitty from returning to the same spot in your carpet.


2 Vinegar-Baking Soda-Peroxide One-Two-Three Punch

This solution to involves using three steps to getting the cat smell out of your carpet. First, mix up a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Pour it onto the carpet and allow it to penetrate deep into the carpet fibers. Blot the carpet with paper towels to dry the surface as much as possible. A wet/dry vacuum cleaner may be used for this purpose as well. Sprinkle a handful of baking soda over the area. Mix 1/4 of a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing liquid. Drizzle or spray the liquid over the baking soda. Work the liquid and baking soda into the carpet with a scrub brush, tooth brush or your fingers. Allow it to dry. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum up the baking soda. Use a hard bristled brush to remove it from the surface of the carpet. You should be left with a fresh-smelling floor.


3 Enzyme-based Cleaners from the Pet Store

Pay a visit to your pet store to check for solutions to your kitty smell problem. The staff can point you in the direction of some enzyme-based cleaning products. Nature’s Miracle is one popular brand but you may also want to try PetZyme to get the smell out.


4 Get Rid of It with Norwex Odour Eliminator

Norwex is a Norwegian company that has been in business since 1994. Its Odor Eliminator will get rid of all kinds of gnarly smells, including cat pee, from carpets. Use one part Odor Eliminator to seven parts water. The product is available from one of the company’s independent sales consultants.


5 Listerine and Hot Water the Problem Away

Add a few drops of Listerine mouth wash to a copy of hot water Pour it onto your stinky carpet. The alcohol in the Listerine is a disinfectant, and will get rid of the smell in your floor covering.


Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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