How to Get Smell Out of Travel Mug

In our fast pace lives, we rely on these mobile caffeine carriers to deliver our morning dose of fresh brewed beverages. However, with much use and a lack of cleaning they can eventually develop an unpleasant odor.


Fortunately, there exist several household remedies to ensure that that mugs are cleansed of built-up beverage smells and returned to normal.  The following suggestions can help you in deodorizing the mobile mugs and ensure that they stay fresh within the future.


Travel Mug Deodorizing Suggestions


1 Always Use Hot Water

As a guiding principle, you will usually need to deodorize travel coffee mugs with the same heat as the beverage which caused the odor.  The odor is usually caused by hot beverages expanding the interior lining of the travel mug and embedding smelly residues within the materials.  These transferred residues are much easier to brush out and remove once the interior lining is similarly expanded to provide easy access.


2 Soak in Hot Water & Dish Detergent

Usually, soaking the travel coffee mug within an extremely hot pool of water and dish detergent within the sink will do the charm.  Fill the sink with 6 inches of hot water and add in 3-4 teaspoons of dish detergent.  Place the travel mug within this hot soapy bath and remove 2-3 hours later to rinse any soap residues.  Once compete, do the smell test to check if you will need to use more extreme deodorizing measures.


3 Baking Soda Paste & Scrub

If hot water and dish detergent did not do the job, it can be because the build up of hardened crud and visible residues was so great that a baking soda scrub is needed.  To do this, mix a solution of baking soda and water in a bowl and begin applying this paste within the interior of the travel mug with the rough side of a kitchen sponge.  Take time and pay close attention to scrub down areas of discoloration and coffee or tea build up. Upon completion, rinse the interior and enjoy the earned satisfaction of a freshened mug.


4 Hot Splash of Vinegar

Another household remedy can be found in the use of heated water and a splash of white vinegar.  Bring two-three cups of water to a boil on the stove and pour the travel coffee mug making sure to fill only 80% of the interior.  With the remaining 20%, pour white vinegar to the top of the travel mug and proceed to close the lid and give the mug a good shake.  Allow the mug to sit for 2-3 hours before returning the pour the contents out and rinse out the interior of the mug.  Please note that the smell of vinegar should be present within the travel mug until it has completely dried out.


5 Heated Citrus Juice

Similar to white vinegar, heated citrus juice will also work by harnessing the power of acid to cut through built up beverage odors within the travel mug.  Boil two to three cups of water and pour within the interior of the coffee mug until it has been 90% with boiling water.  With the remain 10%, squeeze citrus juice within the travel mug and seal the top with the lid.  Once 2-3 hours have passed, rinse the interior of the mug and put mug back into use.


6 Crushed and Liquified Activated Charcoal Briquette

When all other means of deodorizing your travel mug have failed, consider using liquified charcoal.  Take a briquette of activated charcoal and pound it until the all that is left is a black powdery substance.  Pour the charcoal powder within the interior of the travel mug and fill the remainder of the space with warm water before sealing with the mug’s lid.  Allow the substance to sit for 1-2 days before opening the lid and washing the interior clean of the activated charcoal sludge.


Travel Mug Product Suggestions


1 Efferdent – Multipurpose Denture & Travel Mug Cleaner

When most people hear the product name “Efferdent”, they immediately think of dentures.  However, this product has other deodorizing powers for application beyond devices meant for our grandparent’s gums.  Boil 2-3 cups of hot water and fill the entire travel mug with the liquid.  Add in 1-2 Efferdent tablets and provide 1-2 hours for them to work their magic.  During this time, be sure to leave the lid off.  Due to a chemical reaction caused by the tablets, the mug may otherwise explode if the lid were sealed during this process.  Once 1-2 hours have passed, pour the substance out and rinse thoroughly before putting back within use.
