How to Get Coffee Smell Out of Mug

After much use of our trusted coffee carriers, these ceramic cups can adapt an unworldly awful stink within them. This is often very off-putting, as most people enjoy waking up to the subtle therapeutic aroma of coffee beans rather than an unknown odor within their trusted morning mug.

Fortunately, much can be done to remove this unwelcome smell from the interior of one’s favorite mug. The following tips and solutions can help ensure that the mug will be smelling fresh and ready for use in no time.

Coffee Smell Removal Solutions for Mug

1 Use Hot Water

Using hot water to remove coffee odor from the interior of a coffee mug is a must to properly deodorize it. Filling the mug with hot water will work to expand the creases and grooves where much of the coffee related residues are resting. Opening these microscopic spaces will allow easier access for deodorizing solutions to get at these areas and freshen the mug.

2 Hot Water + Dish Detergent

Often, all that is needed is to submerge the mug within extreme hot water and simply mix in dish detergent. After the water has cooled to the point that it can be handled, proceed to give the interior of the mug a great internal scrub. Finish by allowing the mug to be resubmerged within the bath of dish detergent and warm water for 1-2 hours before rinsing off and putting back into use.

3 Baking Soda Mixture

This tried and true solution can work wonders at absorbing odors and even help in removing any coffee stains that may be residing within the mug. As a preliminary step, place hot water within the mug for five minutes. Next pour out 80 percent of the water and add in 2 teaspoons of baking soda within the mix. Quickly proceed to mix the two ingredients and rub it into the interior walls of the mug. After doing this for 60 second, you can proceed to fill the mug with warm water and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Upon completion, you can pour and wash out the ingredients of the mug and put it back into use.

4 White Vinegar Solution

This household acid can have a very powerful effect on coffee odor within the mug. First, fill the mug with very hot water and allow the mug to sit for 5 minutes on it’s own. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts warm warm to fill the mug. Allow this mixture to work it’s magic over the course of 3-4 hours. Upon completion, pour the contents out and rinse the interior of the mug.

5 Let Rubbing Alcohol Set In

The use of rubbing alcohol can work well in cutting through the stale coffee residues within the interior of the mug. Fill the mug with hot water for 5 minutes before wiping down the interior of the mug with a dish cloth that has been soaked within rubbing alcohol. Allow Perform this task for 1-2 minutes to ensure that the alcohol has a fighting chance against this built up odor. Upon completion, rinse out the rubbing alcohol and put the mug back within use.

6 Efferdent Tablet

Many in older generations know this brand because they use this product to clean and deodrize dentures. Despite the different use, it can have a powerful effect on removing unwelcome coffee odors that may exist within the confines of a daily mug. Simply drop an efferdent tablet within a filled mug of water and provide several hours for it to provide deodorizing results.

Photo Credit: Chris Applegate
