How to Get Smell Out of Fur Hat

When you realize that your favorite wolf-devouring-face fur hat has developed an odor, it can be an extremely distressing event. Many recount this tragedy as one of life’s most difficult challenges that requires trial and perseverance to overcome.

Fortunately, there exist simple freshening steps for removing odor from any fur hat to return it to its former glory and prestige. By following the below solutions, you can return things to normal, and be back to wearing your freshened fur hat on a daily basis.

Smell Removal Solutions for Fur Hats

1 Outside in Sun

Placing the fur hat out in the sun can have a safe and chemical-free deodorizing effect. Wait for a sunny day and find a location within the yard where the fur hat can receive a minimum of 8 direct hours of sunlight. During this time, the open space, fresh air and ultraviolet rays will work to lift any odors away. If any odor remains within the fur hat after the first day within the sun consider a second or even third day for it to have a full effect.

2 Activated Charcoal Absorption

If there is enough time, activated charcoal can work well at slowly pulling in any activated charcoal from a fur hat. Find an appropriate sized cardboard box and place 10-12 activated charcoal briquettes along the bottom of the box. Next, put the fur hat within the box and close the lid to seal the content inside. Once completed, place the sealed box and its contents aside for 5-7 days. During this time the activated charcoal will slowly work its magic in sucking up available odors to freshen the fur hat.

3 Freeze It

Development of sweat and skin cells can often cause bacteria to develop within the interior of a fur hat. This is problematic because this bacteria can often develop the odor that causes much discomfort during the fur hat’s use. Fortunately, freezing the fur hat will have the effect of killing the bacteria that resides within the hat. Place the hat within a sealed trash bag and put within the freezer for 24-48 hours for best results. Upon completion, it is a good idea to remove the hat from the trash bag and freezer and place it within the sun for 8 hours for a final freshening effect.

4 Lemon Juice Spritz

The citric acid within this solution can have the positive effect of cutting through difficult odors within a fur hat. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with ten parts water within a generic spray bottle and proceed to mist down the fur hat. Upon spraying it down, proceed to place the fur hat outside within the shade until dry. It is important not to sun dry the hat after using lemon juice because the combination could lead to minor bleaching of the fur.

5 Baking Soda Box

As a final solution, baking soda can have an extremely powerful effect on absorbing odors from the hat. Fill the bottom of an appropriate sized cardboard box with baking soda and place the hat on top of the powder before sealing it. After the box has been closed, allow the box and it’s contents to sit for seven days until it has absorbed all of the odor from the fur hat.

Photo Credit: Frank Kovalchek


Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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