How to Get Smell Out of Underwear

When you wash your clothes, you want them to come back smelling clean. This rule is especially important for your underwear. Everyone wants to smell fresh when they get dressed. Dealing with lingering smells of pee, poop or menstrual odors above and beyond what any reasonable person would find acceptable. Bodily fluids and solid waste stuff should leave once and never, ever make its presence known to your nostrils again. It should not be caught lurking in your underwear. That’s just plain nasty. Fortunately, this guide will show you how to get smell out of underwear so you can be fresh as a daisy every day.


The issue when you have stinky underwear is that you don’t know whether you are the only one who notices the issue or not. Throwing out the potentially offensive undergarment is not an option for everyone, but you don’t want to spend your day constantly sniffing around either to see if that offensive stank is coming from you. A much better choice is to use one of the solutions posted here and try to face the stink head on (figuratively speaking, that is).




How to Get Smell Out of Underwear: Pee

1 Add Baking Soda to Your Wash

No one wants to put on underwear that reeks of pee after it comes back from the wash. To get rid of this yecchy stank, you can add some baking soda to your wash water. Rather than cleaning out the supply of small boxes at the grocery store like someone on one of those extreme couponing programs on television, pay a visit to a bulk store to stock up. This is the most economical way to buy the stuff. Add a half a cup with your detergent every time you wash your clothes to get the smell out. The baking soda is safe to use on all fabrics.


2 Pour Some Vinegar into the Water

White vinegar will neutralize the smell of urine in your underwear. If you decide to try this method, substitute the vinegar for your regular fabric softener. Adding the extra product to your wash water can make it more challenging to rinse the clothes thoroughly. To get the pee smell out, you want to give the vinegar a chance to cut through the cut through the water so that it can unlock any trapped stank.


3 Increase the Water Temperature

Washing your clothes in cold water is a good choice if you want to save money on your heating bills, but it won’t help if you are trying to get a urine smell out of your underwear. In this instance, warm or even hot water is a better choice when odor removal is your goal. You can separate out the urine-soaked items from your regular wash and run a load in warmer water. Wash the rest of your clothes in cold water if you are concerned about keeping your overall costs down.


Get Poop Smell Out of Underwear

1 Lemon-Scented Ammonia Rescue

To banish the smell of poop from your underwear, add some lemon-scented ammonia to the water. If you can’t find the lemon-scented variety, plain ammonia will do. Remember not to mix this product with bleach. It can be used with your regular laundry detergent, though, to eliminate the sewer stench and make you actually want to step in to your underwear again.


2 Vinegar in a Downy Ball

You can eliminate the crappy smell from your unmentionables in an easy and convenient way by filling a Downy ball with vinegar instead of the fabric softener. Toss it into the washing machine at the beginning of the cycle and you don’t have to worry about “catching” the rinse cycle to add some vinegar to your wash. The ball will open up at the right time to release it and you can move on to other things.


3 Scent-A-Way Laundry Detergent

This product was originally developed for hunters, but it can probably handle the stank of feces as well. You have to figure that someone who has been outside in a blind or tramping around in the bush all day must smell pretty rank. The soap works by oxidizing the source of the door. It also prevents any stray matter from redepositing on your other clothes in the wash, which is an important consideration in these delicate matters. The product is concentrated, so a little will go a long way.


4 Febreze it Out

Adding some Febreze to your wash is a another solution to the poopy problem. You don’t need to add a large amount to bring the stank under control. Try a capful (approximately 1/8 of a cup) in your wash.


Get Period Smell Out of Underwear

1 Dish Detergent to the Rescue

Try washing your undergarments by hand with some dish detergent. Soaking them with a mild soap can lift out this intimate odor. You can still throw the underwear into the washing machine and run it through the regular cycle to make sure you have dealt with the stink problem appropriately.


2 Greenyarn Underwear

This solution for the issue of getting period smell falls into the category of nipping the problem in the bud. Greenyarn underwear by Charcoal House is made with a special Eco-fabric that has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and deodorizing properties. If you want to avoid stinky panties, start by wearing ones that are less likely to absorb odors in the first place.


How to Get Smell Out of Used Car

Buying a new (or nearly new) car is an exciting event in anyone’s life. However, no one counts on inheriting a stale smell with a new ride. The kinds of stink that can be lurking in a car can include smoke, dog smell or just a general staleness in the vehicle. None of them smell like new car. All of them have the potential to bring you down every time you get behind the wheel and take a whiff of your car’s interior. Check out this helpful guide to how to get smell out of used car to find out how to make your ride a much more pleasant place for you to spend time in.


When you buy a used car, you also inherit the smell of the previous owner’s personal habits. If he or she was a smoker, liked to snack on the road, or was or a pet lover, your nose will pick up evidence of it when you go for a drivel. You may feel that the stank will resolve itself over time or that you will just learn to live with these smells, but it’s not likely to happen. The smell will simply be a reminder that your car was previously enjoyed and you don’t want to live with that. Do something to get rid of the smell and clean up your car now.




How to Get Smell Out of Used Car

1 Baking Soda on a Plate Solution

To deodorize a new (to you) ride, try putting some baking soda on a plate. You can also open up a couple of new boxes and place them in your car. Roll up all the windows and doors and leave the car overnight. The baking soda should absorb the odor and leave it fresh-smelling by morning.


2 Murphy’s Oil Soap Clean-up

You will want to thoroughly clean the interior of the car to get the used car stank out. Give that smell the ole what-for with a solution of Murphy’s Oil Soap and water. It can be used on the dash, upholstery, carpet and the panels. Make a point of digging into all the nooks and crannies with an old toothbrush or some cotton swabs to remove all traces of dirt and dust.


3 Spray on Some Carpet Cleaner

A good carpet and upholstery shampoo can be used to get used car smell out of your vehicle. Spray it on and let it soak in for a few minutes. Use a Shop Vac to remove the shampoo. Let the car dry thoroughly before you take it out for a spin.


4 Get Tough with Tuff Stuff

Tuff Stuff is a foam cleaner that will lift dirt and help to eliminate used car smell. It can be used on vinyl, floor mats, and your car’s upholstery. You can also use this product to polish up your car’s chrome until it shines. Tuff Stuff is available in Wal-Mart stores.


5 Run an Ozone Generator

Rent an ozone generator and run the unit to get rid of any lingering odors. Depending on the severity of the problem and the sensitivity of your nose, you may need to crank it up and run it for several hours. You will need to run the hose into the car and seal up this window with cardboard and masking tape as best you can.


6 Rock on with Volcanic Rock

Visit your local home improvement store and pick up some volcanic rock. This product is sold in a small mesh bag. Place it inside the vehicle and leave it in place to absorb the stink where it lies.


7 Use Oatmeal to Absorb Odors

You can use oatmeal to get the smell out of your car. Make sure you choose the type that you need to cook (not instant oatmeal) for this purpose. Put it in a dish or sprinkle it on the floorboards and leave it in place. You can let your nose be your guide as to whether you can remove the dish or vacuum up the rolled oats.


How to Get Scalp Smell Out of Pillow

With pillows getting such regular use, it’s no wonder that they would pick up scalp smell over time. No one wants to get a whiff of that rotten, nutty stank when they are drifting off to sleep or waking up in the morning. It certainly will kill the mood when you are trying to have a romantic evening to experience someone else’s head funk. You don’t necessarily have to throw out your pillows and buy new ones to deal with this problem, though. Check out this helpful guide to how to get scalp smell out of pillow instead.


The scalp is chock full of oils that can easily be transferred onto fabric. This rank smell will continue to build up night after night, until you have a major stink factory buried in your pillow. No one wants to put their head or nose anywhere near something that smells quite that gamey and leave it there for several hours. You can’t get a good night’s sleep if you are busy holding your nose. It’s not going to help your private relationships, either. Get on one of these helpful hints right away and deal with the stank stuff before the smell spreads out to engulf the entire bedroom. It can happen.




How to Get Scalp Smell Out of Pillow

1 Put it in the Sun

Taking the pillow outside in the warm sunshine is a good way to get rid of the yecchy scalp smell. The combination of sunlight and a good, stiff breeze will lift out the nastiness and leave your pillow smelling fresh. You will want to leave the pillow outside all day for best results.


2 Sprinkle it with Baking Soda

Spinkle some baking soda on top of the pillow and let it sit for a day or two. Shake the baking soda off or gently vacuum it up using the brush attachment. You may want to take the pillow outside before trying to vacuum up the baking soda. It can be a it messy.


3 Vinegar and Water Spray

Mix up a a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water to banish the scalp smell from your pillow. You will want to give the pillow a light misting instead of completely saturating it. The goal here is not to make your pillow smell like a French fry. After spraying, let the pillow stand for five minutes. Blot up the pillow with a clean towel and allow it to dry.


4 Throw them in the Washing Machine

Remove the pillow protectors and place them in your machine two at a time.  This strategy will help to keep it balanced as it runs through the cycle. Dry the pillows on low heat or the fluff setting. Place two new tennis balls in the dryer with them. Wrap the tennis balls in socks to prevent stains. The tennis balls will help the pillow fluff back up as it dries. Check the pillows to make sure they are completely dry before you put them on your bed.


5 Febreze the Stink Out of It

If you are looking for a quick solution to the problem of getting scalp smell out of your pillows, spraying them with Febreze is a good way to go. This product is available in several fragrance choices. Spray it lightly onto your pillow and allow it to dry before you use it again.


6 Wash with Lemon-scented Ammonia

If you decide to wash your pillows in the machine, try adding some lemon-scented ammonia to your detergent. Use this instead of bleach. If you add ammonia to bleach, you are venturing into science experiment territory and you will end up with a much bigger problem than a stanky pillow. The ammonia will kill the stink and freshen up your pillow.


7 Scented Dryer Sheet Tuck

Take a scented dryer sheet in your favorite fragrance. Place it between your pillow case and your pillow. You may want to put one on each side of the pillow for good measure. This will help to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the pillow. You may want to remove the dryer sheet before bedtime to avoid inhaling the fumes for several hours.


How to Get The Smell of Death Out of Your Nose

People who works in health care providing patient care may know more than he or she cares to about the smell of death. Ditto for first responders, medical students, folks who work in the Coroner’s Office and funeral directors. Depending on whether a patient or client is terminally ill or has already passed, they need to be able to do what is necessary while still being able to hold onto their lunch. It can’t be easy, since the smell of death is something that can be so foul it defies description in some cases. It’s been described as something so rotten that once you smell it, you never forget what it’s like. No wonder people are looking for ways to get relief from the foul, gagging stank that seems to linger on long after the event that triggered it has passed. This guide to how to get the smell of death out of your nose offers practical solutions to dealing with this particular occupational hazard.


Not everyone who may encounter the smell of death is a professional caregiver. You may be unfortunate enough to be at an accident scene or discover that a neighbor has passed away several days ago. Some unfortunate people have thought that they misplaced a soiled baby diaper in their apartment only to find out that the stench was the latter type of event. The suggestions listed here can help you get rid of the nasal nastiness the smell of death will deal to your nose.



How to Get The Smell of Death Out of Your Nose

1 Burt’s Bees Lip Balm

Although this product will no doubt give you smooth lips, you can also use it to get the smell of death out of your snooter. Put a little bit of it on your finger and apply it right under your nose. The lip balm has a minty aroma that should mask the death stink.


2 Vicks VapoInhaler or VapoRub

Using a Vicks VapoInhaler as a solution to the issue of the smell of death is that it is portable and discrete. You can pull it out, take the top off and take a whiff as often as you need to. The stuff has a strong aroma that should kill any stank that has attached to your nose hairs quite easily.

You can also put some Vicks Vaporub under your nose to get rid of the smell. The only issue with this solution is that the product can be quite messy. It has a very noticeable smell, and it’s virtually impossible to be discrete about using it if you are going to be around people afterward.


3 Saline Nose Spray

Saline nose spray is available at the drug store. Check the label carefully before you buy it to make sure you are not getting a decongestant that you would use when you have a cold. The saline will gently flush out your nose and may take the stank with it.


4 Mint Chewing Gum

Break open a pack of mint gum. Pop a stick or two in your mouth and chew. You will want to go with a strong-tasting one, like peppermint as opposed spearmint. It will help, and you get fresh breath as a bonus.


5 Apply Some Toothpaste

If you don’t like the smell of Vicks products or you want to avoid having everyone in the room knowing you used the stuff, try applying a bit of toothpaste under your nose. Wipe it off after a minute or so. Use a minty flavor for best results.


6 Cigarette Filter Plug Solution

If you are already a smoker, light up a couple of cigarettes and smoke them. Peel the paper off the butts and shove the used filters into your nostrils. You will need to be very careful not to push it too far back. Otherwise, you may end up needing to see a doctor to get it removed.


7 Lemon-scented Body Wash

The smell of lemons will trump the scent of death every time. Take a hot shower and scrub with a lemon or citrus-scented body wash. Give your face and nasal area some special attention. This strategy should help you feel refreshed and get rid of the death funk.


How to Get Oil Smell Out of Clothes

Anyone who has spilled oil on his or her clothes knows that this smell very hard to get rid of. The dank aroma lingers and is resistant to normal washing methods. Even though you have thoroughly laundered your clothes, they don’t look or smell clean. You may even be tempted to dig a hole and burn the clothes rather than try to remove this particularly gnarly stink. That is simply not a good way to deal with the problem when better solution can be found. This guide will provide some practical solutions to help you get oil smell out of clothes.


The issue of oily-smelly clothing is an occupational hazard for people who work around cars and heavy machinery. they are constantly at risk of bringing their work home with them, through no fault of their own. If your goal is to remove the oily smell from your clothing, you will want to find a way to break down the grease in the fabric. Your regular laundry soap may not be able to handle this type of specialized cleaning job. Until you remove the source of the stank, your clothing won’t be fresh smelling. Speaking of working on cars, you may be surprised to find that some of our solutions to dealing with clothes that reek like oil can be found in the automotive oil of a retail store. Products with good degreasing properties can be used to get the oil out of the fabric and get the funk out of your clothes so that people won’t be offended by your presence.



How to Get Oil Smell Out of Clothes

1 Coca-Cola Soak

Take the smelly clothes and place them in a pail. Fill with enough original Coca-Cola to cover them completely. Soak overnight and wash them as you normally would. The oily smell should be lifted out. As a variation to this solution, empty a can of Coke into your washing machine along with your detergent to get the oily smell out.


2 Pine-Sol It Out

Try soaking your clothing in Pine-Sol to get the smell of oil out of your clothes. If you decide to try this solution, you will want to use this household cleaner at full strength. Soak the clothing for an hour or two before washing.


3 Baking Soda Soak and Wash

Fill your washing machine with water. Dissolve one cup of baking soda in hot water and add it to the water. Add the stanky clothing and let them soak for at least 30 minutes. You can leave them in the machine overnight if you wish before adding detergent and running your regular wash cycle.


4 Dawn Dish Soap and Hot Water Method

Dawn dish soap will remove the heavy oily smell from clothing. You need to be careful when adding this product to your washing machine. A little of it will go a long way. Use hot water in the washing machine. You may want to add vinegar to the rinse cycle to cut through the soap and leave the clothing ready to wear.


5 Super Clean Foaming Cleaner Degreaser

Another effective way to banish the oil smell from your clothes is to give them a bath in Super Clean Foaming Cleaner Degreaser. This product is available in the automotive section at Wal-Mart, as well as online. You will probably want to invest in the gallon size if you are going to be using it for your laundry. Soak the clothes in this product for about an hour before washing them, or add the Super Clean to the load and wash as usual.


6 Eucalyptus Oil in your Wash

Try adding two capfuls of eucalyptus oil to your wash when you have to deal with greasy clothing along with your detergent. You can buy this product in health stores, some drug stores and online. You can also presoak the items with the eucalyptus oil in your washing machine before washing them.


7 Simple Green All-purpose Cleaner and Degreaser

Simple Green is another line of products you can find in the automotive aisle at  a number of retail stores. To tackle the problem of smelly clothing, grab some of the all purpose cleaner and either spray the spots on the clothes or soak the items before washing them. This company also manufactures laundry soap, but it doesn’t have the grease-cutting properties you will need in this instance.


How to Get Diarrhea Smell Out of Carpet

Accidents happen and if you have ever been faced with having to clean up a pet accident or a leaky diaper spill, you know how unpleasant they can be. Sometimes all you can do is hold your nose and suck it up. (You may also want to keep your mouth closed when cleaning up this type of mess.) A poopy smell in your carpet won’t go gracefully, though, and this pungent odor will smell like crap for some time after you have done a surface cleaning. We wouldn’t suggest getting rid of Fluffy or Fido or choosing a child-free existence to lower the risk that you may have to deal with this situation. Instead, we offer practical solutions for the problem. This guide will focus on how to get diarrhea smell out of carpet.


No one wants to feel like they are living in an outhouse. To get this particularly offensive smell out, you will need to make sure that no stank molecules are clinging to your carpet fibers. Otherwise, you run the risk of catching a whiff of stray poop when you walk near that area of the room for quite some time after the initial event. Taking the time to deal with it thoroughly from the outset will mean a fresh-smelling carpet and no lingering problems with smell after you have cleaned up the mess.



How to Get Diarrhea Smell Out of Carpet

1 Laundry Detergent and Warm Water

Combine some laundry detergent and warm water and apply it to the spot on your carpet where the poop was plopped. Most brands contain some type of enzymes that work well on this type of odor problem. Let the detergent soak in to the carpet for at least a few minutes. The longer you let the detergent do its work, the more chance it has to get the smell out of your flooring. Blot up the spot with a clean towel when you are ready to clean up the moisture. You may want to use more than one towel. Keep blotting until you get most of the moisture up.


2 Distilled White Vinegar Soak

After removing as much of the er, solid, waste as possible, soak the carpet with distilled white vinegar. It will put the stank to bed quite nicely. It will also help to lift out the stain. The strong smell from the vinegar will dissipate as it dries.


3 Nature’s Miracle from the Pet Store Will Help

Nature’s Miracle is a product that is available at pet stores. If you decide to use this option, make sure that it is your first choice to get the diarrhea smell out of your carpet. It won’t work as well if you have used other detergents or products on the carpet first. Nature’s Miracle has enzymes that work to eliminate the stank from feces quickly.


4 Odoban Cleaner will Get the Stank Out

Odoban is another deodorizing cleaner that will work hard to get the crappy smell out of your rug. You can buy it at Walmart, the Home Depot or It is available in a spray or in a liquid format. Apply it to the carpet as directed and your flooring should be stank-free by the next day.


5 Get it Out with White Vinegar and Baking Soda

To get the poopy smell out of carpet, make up 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water using a half cup of each ingredient. Pour the solution over the stinky spot. Next. put paper towels on the spot and step on them until the towels are completely saturated. You will want the paper towels to absorb the excess moisture from the vinegar and water. Keep repeating the process until there is little or no moisture left on the paper towels.


Then follow up by taking a handful of baking soda and working it into the carpet with your fingers. Allow it to dry overnight. You can help this process along by placing a fan or a heater close to the spot and allowing to run. Once the baking soda is completely dry, vacuum it up from your carpet. Following this process carefully should result in a sweet-smelling carpet with no trace of a crappy smell after the event.


How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Fireplace

What do you think of when you picture a fireplace? Is it warmth? Are you drawn to its heat? Do you conjure up images of the flames dancing across the firebox? The smell of smoke launching an assault mission on your nostrils when the fireplace is not being used probably doesn’t appear anywhere in your idealized version of enjoying a fireplace. This kind of stink invades your olfactory senses and just stays there, causing headaches and other unpleasant sensations. You certainly don’t want to be reminded that you have a fireplace when you aren’t actually using it. This guide will tell you who to get smoke smell out of fireplace so you can have your house back.


Since even the most thorough chimney cleaning job cannot possibly remove every single speck of soot and creosote buildup from its interior, you can expect to have some lingering aroma if you have a fireplace. That doesn’t mean the stink should be bad enough to case respiratory problems for you and your family, though. You should be able to use one of the solutions listed below to deal with the funk issue. If you are ever concerned about a smokey smell coming from your fireplace, don’t hesitate to contact a heating and air conditioning contractor to perform an inspection. It’s far better to be safe than sorry.




How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Fireplace

1 Close the Damper

One way to get the smell of smoke out of your fireplace is to keep the damper closed when not in use.  This may solve the problem, but keep in mind that dampers can be quite leaky. This is a good first solution to the issue, though.


2 Install a Glass Firescreen

Try installing a glass fire screen to keep the smokey smell confined to the fireplace area. You will want to make sure the model you choose is a tight-fitting one. Keep in mind that if you decide to go with this option, you will be cutting down on the level of heated air coming out of the fireplace when it is in use.


3 Lava Rock Rescue

Place lava rocks inside the fireplace to absorb smokey smells. You can purchase them at Home Depot and some pet stores. They may be sold in a mesh bag. Remove the rocks from the bag before placing them in the fireplace.


The rocks can be reactivated by placing them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Leave them on a table or a driveway in direct sunlight for a minimum of 24 hours. Replace them in your fireplace area and they will start bringing the smoke situation under control again.


4 OdoBan it Out

Go over the firebox area with a Shopvac to remove dust and dirt. Clean it with OdoBan. This product is available in a liquid or a spray, and can be bought at Sam’s Club, Walmart, The Home Depot, and Choose the fragrance you like best and use as directed to tame the smell and get rid of the smell of smoke from your fireplace.


5 Vinegar the Smell Away

Place a pot of vinegar in the firebox and leave it for several days. Vinegar is a highly-effective product for absorbing odors of all kinds. If you have brick work around your fireplace, grab a large paint brush and “paint” it with some vinegar. Brick is very porous and may absorb some of the smokey smell. As it dries, the vinegary smell will dissipate.


Get Rid of Burnt Smell from Fireplace

1 Install a Chimney Balloon

In some cases the top damper may be bottling up the chimney at the top. Cool air from the outside finds its way into the house, bringing unpleasant smells with it. To combat this problem, install a chimney balloon above the old low metal damper frame so that the chimney will vent out the top.


2 Baking Soda to the Rescue

Start by vacuuming out the firebox thoroughly with a Shopvac. Take two boxes of baking soda and sprinkle the contents against the firebox floor and walls. Coat everything thoroughly. You can spritz the area with water first if you finding it hard to get the baking soda to stick to the walls. Leave it for at least 48 hours. Remove the baking soda with a ShopVac. The smell should be gone.


How to Get Rid of Scalp Odor

Everyone wants their hair and scalp to be clean and fresh-smelling. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. When the smell-o-meter gets going up top, scalp funk has been described as “greasy.” It just feels dirty, even though you may have recently washed and styled your hair. When the scalp problem really gets bad, the language used to describe it moves into food territory. Some people have described it as smelling like potatoes or cheese. Do you really want to be described as Mr. or Ms. Potato Head? Unless you really want to smell like you are good enough to eat (and not in a good way), check out this guide to how to get rid of scalp odor.


The real culprit when it comes to a stinky scalp is bacteria. When these microscopic organisms move in and set up housekeeping, they announce their presence by creating a big, smelly mess. The level of reek has absolutely nothing to do with cleanliness. A stinky scalp is an embarrassing condition that would make the most confident person question his or her attractiveness. Unfortunately, you can’t turn off the stank. It’s going to follow you everywhere. You will be continually plagued with thoughts of how funked up you are today and whether other people are noticing the smell, too. Find a solution to the smelly scalp problem and look for cheese and potatoes in the kitchen – not on your head.



How to Get Rid of Scalp Odor

1 Drop Some Tea Tree Oil in It

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo to get rid of your scalp stank issue. This natural remedy will cut right to the quick in many cases and may be all you need to get rid of the smell. It does have a strong aroma, which not everyone appreciates. Start with two or three drops only. Wait a couple of days to see if your scalp starts to funk up again before reapplying the tea tree oil. You may find you only need to use this product occasionally to keep on top of the scalp odor problem. Weekly follow-up treatments would be a good idea if this option works well for you.


2 Virgin Coconut Oil Treatment

Start by pouring a cup of hot water into a small bowl. Add two teaspoons of virgin coconut oil into a glass cup. (You can buy coconut oil online at and retail stores.) Place the coconut oil in the cup and leave it there until it melts. . Massage the oil into your scalp. You can apply it when your hair is dry or damp. It will spread more easily if you start when your hair is damp.

Leave the coconut oil in your hair for at least one hour. You can put a shower cap over your hair and leave the oil on overnight if you wish. The longer you leave the coconut oil on your scalp, the better the chances that you will be able to get the smell problem under control. Shampoo your hair thoroughly to remove the oil. Rinse with cool water and style as usual.


3 Grapefruit Seed Extract Drops

Grapefruit seed extract can be used to tame a funky scalp. You find it at health food stores or online. Never use this product at full strength. You would add five or 10 drops of it to your shampoo and massage it into your scalp. Wash your hair as usual. Rinse out the grapefruit seed extract and shampoo.


4 Use a Medicated Shampoo

If you want to try a medicated shampoo to combat scalp smell, look for one that contains selenium sulfide. Check the label before you make a choice. If you need help, a pharmacist can help you narrow down your choices. If this option doesn’t help, you may want to consult to doctor. It’s possible the scalp odor problem is from a fungal infection that requires further investigation.


5 Orange Juice the Smell Out

Lean over the sink and pour orange juice over your head. Once your head is covered, put a shower cap over your hair. Leave it on your hair for 15-30 minutes. Rinse the O.J. out of your hair with warm water. Shampoo your hair and rinse with very cold water. The scalp odor should be gone.


6 Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Spray directly onto your scalp. Shampoo your hair right away. Rinse your hair with cool water. Repeat this treatment no more than once a week, since the vinegar treatment can be quite harsh to your hair.


7 Milk of Magnesia Treatment

Apply Milk of Magnesia to your scalp. Let it sit for at least an hour. Shampoo your hair and rinse with cool water. The Milk of Magnesia will help to cut down on the amount of oil in your hair, which may be contributing to the smell. If you choose this option, space out the treatments so you don’t dry out your hair while trying to treat the problem with your scalp.


How Do I Get the Smell of Blood Out of My Jeans

A number of mishaps can lead to your jeans smelling like blood. If you notice that your pants have a definite metallic aroma, then some type of mishap has occurred. You may have fallen while wearing your favorite pair of denims. Most women can remember at least one embarrassing problem with leakage during their period that leads to blood stains and odor issues on clothing. It’s less likely that someone else’s blood could get on your jeans, but these things can happen if you are helping a friend who has become ill or injured. If you are wondering, “How do I get the blood smell out of my jeans?” we can help.




The smell of blood doesn’t go away as it dries. If you want to combat this stubborn stink, you are going to have to remove all traces of the vital fluid from your denim. Some people describe blood as smelling like iron, and they would be right. The iron in your blood will contribute to the stankiness in your clothing. Rather than wonder if anyone else is picking up on the smell or noticing a distinctive rusty look to your jeans, try one of the solutions listed here to get rid of the bloody aroma instead.


How Do I Get the Smell of Blood Out of My Jeans

1 Cold Water and Laundry Soap

Soak the jeans in cold water with a small amount of laundry detergent. Leave for a minimum of 30 minutes. The jeans can be left to soak overnight if you wish. Wash and dry as usual.


2 Spit it Out

This solution to the problem may sound more than just a bit gnarly, but we have it on good authority that it will work. If the blood smell is from your own product, so to speak, spit on it and rub the spot. The enzymes from your spit will mix with the blood and lift out the smell. This is from the “Don’t Knock it ‘Til You’ve Tried It” file.


3 Hydrogen Peroxide Rescue

Nurses use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of blood stains and odors from their uniforms. If this is the solution of choice for these dedicated front line health care workers, then it will work on a pair of jeans. Pour the hydrogen peroxide on the spot of blood and let it seep in for a few minutes. Keep pouring the peroxide on the blood spot until it lightens up and then wash the jeans in the way would normally do.


4 Spray it with Fantastik

You will find Fantastik in the Laundry aisle at the grocery store. Spray this pre-treater on the stinky spot on the jeans and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. Spray again and wash the jeans. They should come out fresh and clean.


5 Put Some Vinegar on the Problem

White vinegar is a great product for getting rid of all types of smells. It can also be used to get rid of blood on jeans. Pour it on the spot and let it soak into the fabric for five or 10 minutes. Blot up the vinegar with a clean towel or a cloth. Wash the jeans immediately.


6 Ammonia the Stank Out

Mix up a half-and-half solution of ammonia and water. Dab it on offensive spot on your jeans before you put them into the wash. You may want to test the ammonia and water on the hem of the jeans to make sure the solution won’t result in a light spot on the pants beforehand. Then wash and dry your jeans.


7 Cornstarch and Water Paste

Pour some cornstarch into a bowl and add enough water to make a paste. Apply it to the stanky spot and rub it into the fabric. Next, take the jeans outside and leave them in a sunny spot until they dry. Brush off the cornstarch residue. This should get rid of the odor, as well as any blood stains on your pants.


How to Get Smell Out of Hunting Clothes

Hunting enthusiasts are quite particular about their clothing, and for good reason. The success or failure of their trip may depend on how well they are able to get the human smell out of their hunting gear. In this instance, smelling like a human being is definitely not the way to go. Instead, the idea is to eliminate human stank and blend into the forest and avoid detection from the animals being hunted. This guide will provide tips on How to Get Smell out of Hunting Clothes to increase the chances for success.


The prep work for a hunt must start at least a few weeks in advance. Serious hunters will want to make sure they are not doing anything that is going to make them stinky when they get into the field. Home renovations that may result in residual stankiness, such as painting or laying carpet, should not be scheduled for the last couple of weeks before a hunt. Burning scented candles is also not recommended right before this type of trip. The aroma will stick to the skin and hair and raise a flag with the local wildlife population. Keep reading to learn some ways to disguise the human smell from hunting clothing.



How to Get Smell Out of Hunting Clothes

1 Scent-free Detergent Wash

If you want to get the smell out of your hunting clothes, a good place to start is by choosing a laundry soap that doesn’t have any artificial perfume. Many brands have a scent-free products, including ones marketed to hunters.  Start reading labels and make a point of only using these products on items you will be wearing on hunts.


2 Hang Your Clothes Outside

Avoid placing your clothes in the dryer. Instead, use an outdoor clothes line. Some people recommend putting hunting clothes outside for several days to make sure that they don’t have any smells from civilization on them.


3 Use Odor-eliminating Spray

You can spray your hunting clothes with an door-eliminating spray, such as Dead Down Wind, after you get dressed to go out into the field. These types of products are available online and contain enzymes that will make you harder to detect.


4 Wear Clean Rubber Boots

Rubber boots are the preferred footwear for hunters, because they don’t hold smell like leather and canvas does. New rubber does have a distinctive smell, though. If you have bought new boots before a hunt, scrub them thoroughly with baking soda and water or scent-free soap before you head out. You will also want to spray them with a scent elimination spray (inside and out) well before hunting season starts.


5 Make Your Own Coverup Smell

Visit the area where you plan to hunt a couple of weeks in advance. Collect an assortment of brush, flowers and tree limbs. Cut these items into small chunks and place into a resealable bowl. Cover with rubbing alcohol or vodka. Let the mixture sit until you are ready to go hunting. Filter out the solid material and take the liquid with you.

When you get into the field, splash the liquid onto your clothing. You can use cotton balls to apply the scent.


6 Apple Country Hunting Solution

If you will be hunting in apple country, use this rich resource to your advantage so that you don’t smell like a human. Slice some apples and place them into your hunting clothes bag. The fruit smell will permeate into the clothing.


7 Pack it in Cedar Shavings or Pine Needles

In between hunts, make a point of storing your clothes away from your regular clothing. Put these items in zippered bag or a plastic tub. Add some cedar shavings or pine needles. Over time, the clothes will absorb these smells instead of regular household ones. The less amount of time you handle the clothing the better, since this lowers the risk of contamination with human stank.
