How to Get Mold Smell Out of Carpet

After a leak or flood has made it’s way within the carpeting, the moisture must be dried immediately to prevent a moldy aftermath from developing. The stale stench and visual appearance of mold can be unbearable and require attention to make the the affected room livable.

Although it may seems like the damage is irreversible, there are several household remedies that can help to remove the mold and have the carpeting smelling like new. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that your carpeting is mold-free and smelling it’s absolute best.

Smell Removal Solutions for Moldy Carpet

1 Blot + Shampoo Scrub

Initially, you will want to get as much of the moldy moisture out of the carpeting as possible. Using an old towels, proceed to blot dry the affected locations making sure that you place your entire body weight behind the press so that the maximum amount of moisture can be drawn out. Once this has been accomplished, you will need to mix a solution of hot water and shampoo together and begin scrubbing the musty carpeting. This sudsy foam will help in lifting out any visible signs of mold and temporarily minimize the problem to an odor issue.

2 Drown in White Vinegar

A white vinegar acidic solution will work to kill any mold spore that are living within the carpeting or underlying padding. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar to five parts warm water and proceed to pour over the affected areas of the carpeting so that the entire mold smelling area becomes soaked. Next, allow this solution to sit and for 4-5 hours while it goes deep within the carpeting fiber and padding to neutralize any mold spore. Once this time has passed, you will need to return to blot dry the location with an old towel to pull out as much of this acidic mixture as possible.

3 Soak Carpet in Enzymes

If white vinegar has been ineffective at eliminating the moldy odor, the use of an enzyme carpet cleaner can deliver an even deeper deodorizing effect. Enzyme carpet cleaner is available for purchase at pet stores and most large supermarkets. Once you have acquire this substance, you will want to pour heavy amount of it over the affected carpeting to ensure that the carpet fiber and padding become drenched in the formula. The enzymes within the solution will have the effect if actually eating through any organics residues like mold spore that exist within the space. Allow the product to soak within the carpeting for 24-48 hours before return to blot dry as much of the deodorizing compound from the carpeting and padding as possible.

4 Dry Out with Area Fans or Dehumidifier

After applying a deodorizing compound, you will need to make sure that no moisture exists within the carpeting. Getting the area dry quickly is extremely important as this will help to assure that mold spore will return to the carpeting. To ensure a quick drying process within the carpeting, you will either need to run an area fan pointed at the location or a dehumidifier within the room. Although a dehumidifier is much more effective, a fan can usually work as a substitute when one is not readily available.

5 Run an Ozone Machine

As a final solution when nothing else has worked, the use of an ozone machine can help to ensure that any remaining musty odors within the carpeting are wiped out for good. Take extreme precaution to avoid running it while anyone is spending time within the home. Misuse of this machine can cause several negative health implications or even death. As a final advisory, be sure to open all of the windows after the machine has run and do not breath the air inside until there has been sufficient time for the home to air out.

Photo credit: Adria Garcia


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Clothes

When wet clothing has too much time to set in, a mold infestation can develop within the fabric fiber. Once this happens, you will need to treat the visible mildew as well as the the embedded stench within the clothing.

Although your first reaction may be to throw the clothes away, there are several household tips and tricks to remove the appearance of mildew and ensure that the clothing is smelling fresh.

Clothing Smell Removal Solutions

1 Shampoo Scrub

Before work at removing the stale smell from your clothing, you will want to work at removing the any visible signs of mold. Using shampoo, you will want to apply the cleaner to the clothing and intensely scrub the areas in where that mold is visible. This method will have to loosen and lift away any signs of mold, and ensure that you are only dealing with an issue of odor.

2 Soak in White Vinegar

This household acid works wonders at cutting though mold spore to kill any odor that my be a byproduct of the infestation. Begin by finding a large bucket and filling it with one part white vinegar to five parts water. Proceed to dunk the mold affected clothing within the mixture and allow it to soak for 3-4 hours. Once completed, the clothing can be removed and placed through a normal detergent wash. for an added deodorizing boost, a cup of baking soda and extra cup of white vinegar can be added to the wash cycle to ensure that the odor is completely removed.

3 Let Enzymes Eat It

This product solution works to literally eat through the mold spore within the clothing fiber. Mix a solution of enzymes and water in equal parts within a large bucket and proceed to submerge clothing within the mixture. Allow the clothing to sit for 2-3 hours before removing the clothing to place through a normal detergent clothing wash. Similarly, a cup of white vinegar or a half cup of baking soda can be added to the wash cycle to give it a beneficial deodorizing boost.

4 Bleach (whites only)

As a final deodorizing compound, bleach can also work to kill mold spore and neutralize difficult odors within the fabric fiber. Mix a solution of one part bleach with eight parts water within a tub and proceed to dunk the mold affected clothing within the mixture. Allow the clothing to sit for 1-2 hours before removing the clothing to place through a normal detergent wash. To add an additional boost, an extra cup of bleach can be added to your detergent wash. Finally, be sure to only use this on all white clothing to prevent unwanted whitening of clothing.

5 Sunshine

As a finalizing solution, be sure that you opt to hang the clothing outside within direct sun rather than drying the clothing within a clothes dryer. The ultraviolet rays of the sun will work to kill any remaining mold spore and ensure that the clothing is left smelling fresh. For best results, hang clothing within a location of the yard where it is sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.

Photo credit: Andrés Moreira


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Towels

Once mold makes it’s way within towels, it can have the effect of making them musty and unusable. Though running the mold smelling towels through a washing machine can have a powerful effect, it usually is insufficient to provide a full freshening effect.

Fortunately, you there remain several ingredients within a normal household that can ensure that eradication of mold and the stench that it emits. The below formula tips and methods can ensure that the towels are mold free and smelling great.

Mold Smell Removal Solutions for Towels

1 White Vinegar Soak

As a preliminary step, you must work to scrub out any visible mold of the towels out under a running facet within the sink. Once completed, create a solution of one part white vinegar to fiver part white vinegar. This household acid has natural mold fighting chemistry that can help to eliminate the growth within the towel fiber. Once the solution has been mixed within a large bucket, proceed to submerge the mold affected towels within the solution. Allow these towels to sit for 5-8 hours as the white vinegar kills the mold. Once completed, the towels can be placed through a detergent wash with the extra addition of 1/2 cup of baking soda.

2 Enzyme Soak

If white vinegar has been ineffective at eliminating the mold odor, soaking the towels within a solution of enzymes can yield positive results. Fill a bucket with enzyme cleaning solution and water measured in equal parts. Next, submerge the affected towels within the solution and allow them to sit for 4-6 hours while the active enzymes literally eat their way through mold infestations. Upon completion, the towels can be removed and placed through a wash cycle with the addition of 1/2 cup of baking soda.

3 Bleach (White Towels)

If all of towels that have been affected are white, bleach can be considered to remove the unwanted aroma. Mix a solution of one part bleach to eight parts water within a large bucket. Once mixed, dunk the mold affected towels within the mixture and allow them to be fully saturated within the solution. Leave the towels within the mixture for a minimum of 2-3 hours before removing them to place the towels through a detergent wash.

4 OxiClean

This product solution can have a powerful effect in killing the mold and freshening the towels. Again, you will want to mix a solution of Oxiclean within a large bucket and submerge the mold affected towels within the solution. Once completed, place them within a detergent wash that contains the extra addition of a full cup of white vinegar within the cycle.

5 Sun Dry

Although it may seem that these solutions have been completed restored the affected towels, it is always a good idea to hang items recovering from mold or mildew odor outside within direct sunlight. These open space, fresh air and ultra violet rays of the sun will go to work in eliminating any remaining mold spore to freshen the towel.

Photo Credit: lvalue


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Basement

If your basement is suffering from a mold based odor, there are never an entirely easy solution for combating the harmful growth. The stale and musty odor can cause much discomfort upon entry to this space and can even spread to other areas within the home.

Despite this challenge, there remain several things that can be done to treat the problem and eliminate the mold issue within the basement. By following the below steps, you will be one step closer to eliminating the mold growth and resulting odor.

Mold Smell Removal Solutions for Basement

1 Step 1: Access Damage

The first thing you will need to do is access the damage within the room and search out visible mold within the space. Upon your findings, decide whether the mildew odor is associated with a surface are problem or whether it is something deep within the foundation and surrounding walls. In such cases, you the mold’s structural damage may be outside your own grasp and might require the help of a trained professional.

2 Step 2: Remove Items & Place in Sun

It’s never fun to move all your storage items out of the basement, but it is a necessity in order properly treat the basement and ensure that the mold does not return. All storage items must be moved to a space within the yard where it can receive several hours a day of direct sunlight. It is additionally important to do an assessment of the items for any visible mold. If items are found with mold, they can usually be treated with a white vinegar solution. Either wipe the items down with a one part white vinegar three part water solution or put clothing items within the washing machine with inclusion of a cup of white vinegar within the cycle.

3 Step 3: White Vinegar or Enzyme Wall & Floor Scrub

Both White vinegar and enzyme cleaning solution work well at killing mold spore from surface areas. If you find that surface areas have been mildly effected by mold within specific basement locations, it is likely that either of these compounds will be effective in treating the mildew. When using white vinegar, you will want to mix a solution of one part white vinegar to five parts water. Regardless of the solution, the floors will need to be moped and all the walls will need to be scrubbed. While scrubbing, make sure that all surface areas have been touched and that visible areas of mold have been scrubbed until it is no longer visible.

4 Step 4: Immediately Improve Ventilation or Run Dehumidifier

After scrubbing down all of the surface areas of the basement with white vinegar or enzyme cleaning solution, you will need to move forward with a drying solution. You can accomplish this goal by running a air conditioner on full blast, installing and running a window fan (non-humid locations) or running a dehumidifier. These methods will help in drying the formulas from the basements surfaces and ensuring that the space is no longer hospitable to mold growth.

5 Step 5: Mold Killing Paint

If any visible mold was found on the walls, it is important to follow behind the initial treatment with mold killing and sealing paint. Kilz is a popular brand of paint that can work well in covering up the problem to provide a fresh start within the worst areas. To be safe, make sure that all areas around the affected space are painted.

6 Step 6: Treat Moisture Sources & Return Items

Once the space have been treated, spend time looking for any wall or floor cracks, moisture leaks, or weeping walls within the space. These problems should be treated immediately if any issues are found. Next you items will be ready to be moved back within the space. Make sure that they have received several days of direct sunlight within the yard and have been appropriately treated with white vinegar. While bringing them back within the space, it is important that they are not placed directly against any of the walls to provide some breathing room.

7 Step 7: Call a Professional

If you are finding that the mold continually returns, it may be time to seek out a professional mold removal service. These professional will help you in addressing the source of the issues and addressing solutions for it’s removal.

Photo Credit: Bobaloo Koenig


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Wood

When mold gets within wood, the pungent odor can be quite challenging to escape from.  Wood left within a damp or dark location can develop a distinct set of smells which only become worse if left untreated.

This guide provides a range of solutions will be provide for wiping out these spore and then neutralizing the unpleasant aroma.  By following the tips below, you can better your chance of eliminating moldy infestation of your wood, and return it to normal.

Eradicate Mold

The first step to eliminating the odor is to kill the mold spore that creates this stench.  The best way to do this is by using bleach to wipe out all of the mold at it’s source.

1 Bleach

This is best solution for eliminating a variety of organic organisms including mold.  The bleach cuts through wood fiber and works well at sterilizing any surface that it is applied to.  Prepare a solution of one part bleach to six parts water within a bowl.  Dunk a cloth within the formula and begin scrubbing down the moldy surface.  Be sure to wipe off all visible mold growth, while scrubbing down all areas within a few feet of the mold’s location.

Bleach can be very effective, but it also can cause bleaching of sensitive wood fiber. To prevent this on a delicate piece of wood, you can further dilute the solution to one part bleach and twelve parts water.  As a final preventative step, be sure to rinse bleach off with a water solution.

Smell Removal Solutions

The following solutions can be used by themselves or in combination.  By using more than just one tip, you can increase your chance of success.

1 White Vinegar

Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts.  Scrub location down thoroughly to wipe off any remaining bleach.  Vinegar has the effect of neutralizing the bleach and mold odor with it’s own distinct smell which will go away once dried.

2 Hydrogen Peroxide

This powerful household ingredient does a great job at breaking down organics.  Mix this solution in equal parts with water and apply to the origin of the odor.   Scrub this into the fiber and let sit to air dry.   A lesser known benefit of this solution is that it will also work to remove any unwanted discolorations or stains caused by the mold.

3 Baking Soda

Mix a solution of one part baking soda with 5 parts water to scrub area down.  If smell persists, sprinkling baking soda in heavy quantities over this location and leave it to sit for 24-48 hours. Upon competition, sweep powder up and leave freshen wood behind.

4 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This is a wonderful product for cleaning and deodorizing wood.  The oil works well at getting deep within the fiber of the wood and neutralizes odors.  To use, pour this product on the location and scrub substance into the wood’s grain.  You can lift remaining solution from the surface with a cloth.

5 Nature’s Miracle

This is another product which works well in cleaning wood.  It harnesses the power of active enzymes that actively work to wipe out organic materials like mold.  Apply this solution and scrub the product deep within the wood’s fiber.  Upon competition, wipe up the moisture leaving wood’s grain to air dry.
