How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Washing Machine

Although washing machine are built to clean and freshen your fabrics, they can easily develop an odor of their own. When this happens, the source is most commonly a result of mildew developing within the machine.


Fortunately, there are several household remedies available to freshen the washer and kill off the mildew infestation within it. By using the following tips and tricks, you can be sure that your washing machine is mildew-free and smelling it’s best.


Mildew Smell Removal Solutions for Washing Machine


1 Leave Washer Door Open Between Uses

One of the most effective ways to lower the smell of mildew within washer is to keep the washing machine door open in-between washes. Many machines inability to fully drain after a wash causes stagnant water to sit and develop mildew. By having the door to the washer open, you can be sure that if any water remains it can naturally evaporate away though the open door within the machine.


2 Use High Efficiency Powder Detergent

Many people do not consider detergent as contributing to mildew odor, but in many cases it is a leading cause. You should avoid detergents that create too many suds and bubbles within the machine. These detergents will cause moisture to rise and get within cracks and crevasses that leads to stagnant mildew puddles. By using a high efficiency powder detergent, you can avoid this problem altogether.


3 Check Tray

If your washing machine requires water tray due to a preexisting leak, this may very well be the source of the mildew odor. When water builds up within this tray and is left to sit for multiple days, a foul mildew stench can develop. To prevent this from happening, be sure that you make a practice of regularly removing and emptying this tray after you run a wash cycle.


4 Hot Wash or Self Cleaning Option

Usually, running the washing machine on the hottest setting can help to eliminate any source of mildew within the machine. The hot water will work to increase the temperature of the washer to a point that mildew cannot survive. Likewise, many newer models of washing machines have a built in self cleaning function that works to automatically deliver a hot mildew killing cleanse to wipeout this unwanted aroma.


5 Cup of White Vinegar

Using this household acid can be very effective in eradicating any mildew within the washing machine. Measure a a cup of white vinegar and add it to an empty hot water washing machine cycle. Upon completion, the vinegar will have worked it’s way into all the nooks and crannies within the machine and killed off the mildew odor.


6 Cup of Bleach

In a similar practice as the vinegar, bleach works well at cutting through any mildew living within the machine. Measure a cup of bleach and add it into an empty hot washing machine cycle Once completed, the washing machine will be cleansed of any mildew and will be smelling fresh.


7 Pinesol

As a product solution, the use of Pinesol can yield similar results as white vinegar and bleach in killing difficult mildew washing machine odors. Add half a cup of Pinesol within an empty hot washing machine cycle. Once finished, these chemical compounds will have worked to kill off any mildew living within the washer.


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Carpet

Mildew odors within carpeting are often the direct result of water unknowingly leaking within the room. After only 24-48 hours of first settling within the carpeting, the stench of mildew can develop and take hold of the fiber and underlying fiber.

A range of household solutions exist for killing the mildew infestation and lifting the musty odor from the flooring. By using the following solutions, you can take control of your mildew problem and return freshness within the affected room.

Mildew Smell Removal Solutions For Carpeting

1 Dry & Treat Carpet Quickly

Although there may already exist some level of mildew within the carpeting, it is important to treat it quickly before it becomes much worse. Mildew has a way of continually growing with time if given the proper environment to grow. This is why it is very important to quickly remove the moisture within the carpeting in order to eliminate the source that mildew relies upon.

2 Blot & Fan Dry

In order to dry the carpeting, you will first need to blot dry the carpeting with a clean dry towel. For best results, place your full body weight being the towel to draw out as much moisture as physically possible. Once no additional moisture is being pulled from the carpeting or underlying padding by towel, it will be time to setup an area fan that will be set to be aimed at the mildew area of the carpeting. Drying the carpeting before treatment is important because smells often can go away once it has become completely dry.

3 Sprinkle Baking Soda

If drying the location has been nearly successful in eliminating the mildew odor, you can often use baking soda to get absorb any remaining odors within the carpeting fiber. Sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda over the mildew affected area of the carpeting and provide 2-3 days for this deodorizing powder to work its magic. After this time period, return to do a smell test. If no odor remains, a vacuum cleaner can be used to suck up any and all remaining baking soda from the fiber.

4 White Vinegar

As far as household kitchen ingredients go, white vinegar can provide the best hope of killing difficult odors within carpeting and underlying padding. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar to two parts warm water and pour it over the affected location. Once you have made sure that the affected areas of the carpeting are thoroughly soaked with this solution, you can leave it be for the 24-48 hours. Once completed, blot dry any remaining deodorizing mixture from the carpeting and underlying padding and run an area fan pointed at it for 24 hours.

5 Enzyme Cleaner

If white vinegar has not been effective in removing the mildew stink, enzyme cleaning solution can have an even more powerful effect. Pour enough of this product solution onto the carpeting until it has sufficiently soaked the the fiber and underlying padding. Allow the product to sit for 24-48 hours while the active enzymes within the solution literally go to work in eating it’s way though the mildew. After this time period have passed, return to blot dry any remaining enzyme moisture and proceed to run an area fan at the location until it has dried.

6 Run Dehumidifier

In rare cases where blot drying and running a fan next to the moistened carpeting is not successful at drying the carpeting and underlying fiber, a dehumidifier can be used to pull any remaining moisture from the location. This will also help to ensure that all mildew within this dies out for lack of viable carpet moisture to propagate from.

Photo Credit: Tommi Virtanen


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Swimsuit

After swimming within a pool or spending time at the beach, bathing suits can often be tucked away and quickly forgotten. When swimsuits have not had the proper chance to dry out, this can often lead to a foul mildew stench deep within the clothing fiber.


This undesirable odor can fortunately be eliminated by a handful of household deodorizers. By using the below solutions, the sour stench within you beach wear will eliminated to make sure it never returns.


Smell Removal Solutions for Mildew Smelling Swimsuit


1 Day in the Sun

If your swimsuit is feeling the negative effects of mildew, consider placing it outside within the sun for the day. The open space, fresh air and ultra violet rays will go to work in eliminating the odorous mildew spore and lifting away the odor. Find a place within the yard where you are sure that your swimsuit will enjoy a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. After this time has passed, return for a smell test. If any mildew aroma remains, consider leaving the swimsuit hanging outside for a second or even third day in the sun until it is smelling fresh.


2 Baking Soda Boost

Baking soda is another household substance sure to lower the potency of any mildew odor. Begin a normal detergent wash and include the mildew smelling swimsuit items. Once a good amount of water has filled the washer, measure a full cup of baking soda and add it within the wash cycle. Once the washing machine cycle is complete, make sure to air dry the swimsuit outside within the sun add one final freshening effect.


3 Try a Household Acid (White Vinegar)

Almost every home has a bottle of white vinegar. However, not everyone knows that this household acid can have a powerful effect on killing mildew and neutralizing it’s resulting odor. Within a normal detergent wash, measure a cup of white vinegar and add it within the cycle along with the mildew affected swimsuit. Similarly, you will want to hang the suit to hang dry within the sun to give the smelly stench one final kick in the curb.


4 Freeze Treatment

Placing a mildew smelling bathing suit within the freezer can have the effect of killing the mildew spore which propose the aromic funk. Begin by placing the swimsuit within a sealed ziplock bag an placing within the freezer. Allow for the bag and it’s stinky contents to sit for a minimum of 1-2 days by the mold spore complete die out. Finish by removing the swimsuit from the bag and hanging outdoors within the sun until completely deodorized.


5 Enzyme Soak

This is a bit of an extreme solution, but desperate time call for desperate measures. Buy an enzyme cleaner at your local pet store or large super market and proceed pour it within a bowl filled in equal parts with water. Next, you will want to dunk your swim suit within the solution and allow for it to soak for a minimum of 3 hours. During this time, the active enzymes within this product will literally go to work in eating through the odorous organics causing the swimsuit odor. Once completed, place bathing suit through a normal detergent wash and hang outside in the sun to air dry.


6 Drown it in Alcohol

Alcohol can work to neutralize many mildew related odors on contact.  Fill a bowl with rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts.  Soak the bathing suit within the mixture and allow for it to sit for 2-3 hours while the chemical compound works it’s magic.  Finally, remove the bathing suit and place through a normal detergent wash and hang outside in the sun to air dry.


7 Tea Tree Oil

This solution works to naturally combat the existence of mold spore within the bathing suit. Mix a solution of one part tea tree oil with five parts water within a bowl. Proceed to dunk the swimsuit within the mixture and allow it to soak for 1-2 hours. Once complete, remove the swimsuit and place through a normal detergent wash and hang outside to air dry.


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Stuffed Animals

Kids love to hug them, sleep with them, and take them wherever they go. Unfortunately, because stuffed animals get so much of our children’s attention, they can easily develop a mildew odor.

There are things that can be done to add freshness back within your child’s stuffed animal. By applying some of the below tips, you can be assured that the stuffed animal’s odor will be removed and will not return anytime soon.

Stuffed Animal Smell Removal Solutions

1 Color-Safe Bleach

Color-safe bleach provides protection for the stuffed animal’s colors while working to ensure the eradication of any existing mold spore.  Place the stuffed animal within a pillow case, tie the end, and place within the washing machine.  Measure a normal cup of color safe bleach and add within the washer before running an entire cycle.  After the  completion of the wash, place within the dryer and run on gentle.

2 White Vinegar

This household substance is the best solution for cutting through mildew within a stuffed animal.  The chemicals work to eat through mold spores and lift off residual odor.  Put the stuffed animal within an enclosed pillowcase and place within the washing machine.  Use normal detergent and add 1-2 cups of white vinegar to normal rinse.  After wash has completed, place within a gentle drying cycle.

3 Baking Soda

This powder works wonders at absorbing odors and freshening musty stuffed animals.  Measure a full cup of baking soda and pour within a sealed trash bag along with stuffed animal.  Give the bag a heavy shake and place aside for 24-48 hours. After 1-2 days have passed, return to remove the stuffed animal and shake off the baking soda.

4 Fabric Softener Sheets

This is a quick solution to freshening any small-medium sized stuffed animal.  Place 2-4 fabric softening sheets within the dryer along with a musty smelling stuffed animal.  Close the door and run the dryer on a delicate setting for 15-30 minutes before removing the stuffed animal for a smell test.  If the smell persists, place the stuffed animal back within the dryer and run for another 15-30 minutes.

5 Febreze

If the odor within the stuff animal is mild, using Febreze can be an effective solution.  Heavily spray down the stuffed animal and provide 3-4 hours for the moisture to air dry.  Once dry, return the freshened stuffed animal back within your child’s hands.

Photo credit: Pete Toscano


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Towels

Towels are always at their best when they are dry, clean and fluffy.  They are there to dry your body and leave you fresh to begin your day.  However, when they develop a mildew smell and begin to wreak moldy cheese and mildew, they are anything but ideal.  After you’ve showered the last thing you want is for this funk to rub off!


There are several preventative tips and solutions for after your towel has developed this stink.  In following a series of tips, you can prevent the development of such an odor for future use.


Preventative Solutions

Towels often build a mildew odor while they are on a rack and the following solutions can help in preventing an odor from developing.


1 Wash Weekly

When towels are used repeatedly, they can develop a mildew smell as dead skin particles build within the fabric fiber.  If a towel is not wash at least once a week, the odor can build and become a feeding ground for mildew as it feeds from the organic matter.


2 Alternate Towels

If your towel is unable to completely dry within a 24 hour period, it is important that you begin alternating towels.  When a towel receives continued use it is likely for mildew to develop, as it will never gain the opportunity to completely dry.  Alternating towels provides a window for them to dry and prevents the odor from developing.


Washing Odor Solutions

Once a mildew odor finds it’s way within a towel, it can be very challenging the remove.  It is important to add some additional functions within the washing process to ensure that all remaining mildew residue is removed.


1 Hot Water

Setting the washing machine to the hottest setting will help in removing odors from clothing.  The hot water helps in opening the fibers and allowing detergent to penetrate the fabric and remove the mildew odor.


2 Wash Again

If the first wash is not successful at removing all of the mildew residue, simply wash it again.  As simplistic as it sound, washing the clothing a second time is often effective at removing any residue odors.


3 White Vinegar

This household substance works wonders in cutting through mildew odors, and returning towels to normal.  Measure a full cup of white vinegar and pour within a normal detergent wash.


4 Baking Soda

This powder works fantastic at absorbing unwanted smell and rendering it odorless. Pour a half cup of baking soda within a normal detergent wash.  In addition to working to remove the mildew odor, the baking soda will also make the whites whiter.


5 Bleach

If towels are white, bleach can be utilized to help remove mildew odor.  Measure a half cup of bleach and pour within a normal detergent wash.  The bleach will help in neutralizing the smell, and render the white towels odorless.
