How to Get Urine Smell Out of Plywood

This building material often gets within the crosshairs of our cats and dogs. When it does, the sharp ammonia stench of urine can be very pervasive and cause much distress on the part of home owners.

When treated immediately, this problem can be minimized to ensure that an awful long-lasting urine stink aroma does not set in. The following solutions will help to eliminate any urine odor so long as you find and treat the urinary misfiring in time.

Plywood Smell Removal Solutions

1 Step 1: Blot Dry Spot

As a preliminary step, you will want to make sure that you have blot dried all of the urine from the surface of the plywood. When blot drying, you will want to blot with all bodily weight with a secondary hand towel or paper towel to press out as much urine as possible. The more urine that gets removed early on, the better chance you will have of lifting the ammonia based odors from the fiber surface.

2 Step 2: White Vinegar

This household acid can work wonders in cutting through ammonia based compounds to freshen surfaces. Mix one part white vinegar with four parts warm water a light layer of this solution over the top of the affected plywood. Allow the liquid to sit on top of the ammonia smelling area of the plywood for 2-3 hours as the chemical compound neutralizes the ammonia odor. Once complete, return to soak up excess vinegar deodorizing mixture with a large dry towel.

3 Step 3: Baking Soda Rub

While the plywood fiber surface is still moist, you will want to sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda over the affected area of the plywood. Allow the layer of baking soda to sit for 24-48 hours as it absorbs any remaining urine stench and leaves the plywood smelling fresh.

4 Step 4: Enzyme Deodorizer (Optional)

If the above solutions have not been effective, the use of an enzyme cleaning solution can be used. This enzyme based compounds can work wonders in literally eating through any remaining organic ammonia aromas that may exist within the plywood. Pour a small puddle over the affected area of the plywood and all of it to sit for 24-48 hours while it soaks within the location. After this time has passed, you can simply blot dry any remaining moisture puddles that may exist within the area. Enzyme products can be purchased at pet stores and most large supermarkets for removing unwelcome odors.

5 Open Windows

As a final step, opening a window will help in drying out any moisture that may remain within the wood. This will allow fresh air to sweep within the room to provide for better circulation. Drying out moisture within the wood is important because mildew can develop within the wood fiber it it remains moist for too long a period.

Photo Credit: D. Sharon Pruitt
