How to Get Smell Out of House

No one wants their house to smell of an off-putting odor.  Stenches can creep up and quickly fill entire rooms and deprive the air of freshness.


There are countless things that can make your home smelly.  Yet, there remain only a handful of household formulas that can remove the odors.  Thanks to these solutions almost any odor can be eliminated within your household.


General Household Solutions

General tips apply to nearly all smells within the household.  By following these solutions, you can be sure that you’ll minimize any odor.


1 Open Windows

The first step to clearing an odor from your house is to open the windows.  Allowing a gentle breeze to sweep through the house will carries much of your unwanted aroma off and adds freshness within your home.


2 Remove Smelly Things

If you identify the source of the odor, put the smelly item outside as soon as possible.  Doing this will often solve the problem and entail no further cleaning.


3 Baking Soda

This household substance is a cornerstone in the fight against odor.  Sprinkling this powder over most odor-filled spills will usually be enough to absorb the unwelcome aroma.


4 Vinegar

This substance does wonders in getting deep down within fabrics and surfaces to neutralize odors.  Whether it is used to deodorize the laundry, carpeting or furniture, it is almost always successful.


5 Vodka

This alcoholic  substance works wonders on short notice.  By pouring vodka within a spray bottle, you can simply mist down smelly areas of the house and allow them to air dry fresh.


Smoking Smells

Smoke odors are one of the most challenging odors to remove within a home.  Once the smoke gets deep down within fibers and surfaces it is usually a struggle to remove the smell.


1 Walls & Ceiling

You will need to wash down the walls and ceiling surfaces with a solution of bleach.  Mix one part bleach with six parts water and scrub down all of the wall and ceiling surfaces within your home.  Leave windows open during this process to allow for fresh air and faster evaporation.


2 Baking Soda

Sprinkle heavy amount of baking soda over the entirety of the carpeting.  Allow for the powder substance to sit for 24-48 hours before returning to vacuum the powder up.  Much of the smoke-bade odor will have been absorbed within the baking soda, leaving freshened carpeting behind.


For more solutions on removing smoke odors from your home, click here.


Urine Smells

Household urine odors can come with their own set of challenges as it is often difficult to find the source of the spills.  The following household solutions help in finding these locations and neutralizing the odors.  In preparation, you will need to purchase a black light and enzyme cleaning solution at your local pet store.


1 Black Light

Once you’ve purchased a black light, shut all of the blinds within your house ensuring that the interior is in darkness.  Turn on the light and begin surveying the floor in search for pet urine stains that will glow under the light.  When spots are found, pour a small amount of baking soda over the spot as a marker until it can be properly treated.  Once completed, open the the blinds and move forward with cleaning the spots.


2 Enzyme Cleaning Solution

Active enzyme products are invaluable solutions for eating through harsh organics like pet urine.  Return to the marked locations and pour enzyme cleaning solution over the entire area of the flooring.  Allow this solution to sit for 24 hours before returning to blot up the excess moisture.  Once the remaining solution evaporates, you will be left with freshened flooring.


Deodorizing a home often requires a deep cleaning, and this Redbeacon video on house cleaning offers some fun solutions on getting this job done:




How to Get Smoke Smell Out of House

Tobacco odors are not something you want lingering within house.  Whether you smoke two packs a day or moved within a house that has been smoked in, the constant smell of tobacco odor can be unpleasant to anyone.


There are several household solutions for removing this odor and returning freshness to a home.  This guide will work to provide odor removal tips for you to reach your goal of getting the stench out of your house.


Quick Solutions

Often, there is not enough time to completely wipe out the smoke residue before having guests over.  When this happens, you can use the following suggestions to mask the air within your home on short notice.


A Open Windows

Allowing fresh air to sweep through your house can do wonders in reducing that amount of odor that builds up within your home.  If you are planning to have visitors plan on leaving the windows open an hour prior to their arrival.



B Air Freshener

These devices take awhile to get warmed up, but work well over longer periods of time.  Within a few hours of plugging a freshener within your home, you will be able to enjoy a freshened aroma.


C Febreze

This product works wonders within a short period of time.  Simply spray down the areas of your house where the majority of the smoke odors area exist.  While this will mask the odor for a short period time, it is by no means a long lasting solution.


D Candles

Candles can help in burning musty air and replacing it with a freshen scent.  Placing candles in the smokiest rooms of the house and burning them for 30  minutes can majorly reduce the detection of tobacco odors.


Long-term Solutions

If you really want to remove the tobacco odor for visitors or for home resale, you will need to remove the residue at it’s source.  These requires the laborious task of cleaning the walls, ceiling, carpeting, furniture and clothing.



A Step 1: Bleach

Bleach is the most effective ingredient for removing smoke residues from walls and ceiling.  Mix 1 part bleach with 6 parts water and scrub down the all of the walls and ceilings within your house.  Be sure to have open the windows before beginning this process to allow for ventilation and faster drying.


B Step 2: Vinegar and Baking Soda

If residual smell persists after washing the walls and ceiling down with bleach you can apply a formula of vinegar and baking soda to remove the remaining odors.  Mix 1 part baking soda, 1 part vinegar and 8 parts water to create the solution.  After the bleach has dried, wash all of the walls and ceilings down with this solution and open windows to allow it to air dry.



A Baking Soda

This household substance is very effective at absorbing and removing odors.  Sprinkle high quantities of this powder over the entirety of the carpeting leaving no area untouched.  Allow baking soda to sit for 24-48 hours before returning to vacuum from the carpeting.  If the tobacco smoke has gone through the fiber and into the underlying padding it can be challenging to remove.  If this is the case, you may need to seek the help of professional carpet cleaners.



A Wash Clothing & Linens

If you have smoked within close proximity of your closet, you may need to remove all of your clothing to and wash them.  This can be a lot of work, but if they smell of tobacco you do not want them stinking up your house.



Removing smoke residues from furniture can vary based upon the material that is is constructed from.  Fabric, leather and wood furniture all need different treatments.


A Fabric

If the furniture is made of fabric, your best option will be to use a steam cleaner to get deep down within the fiber.  The shampoo washes out much of the smoke residue and neutralizes the smell.  Place the piece of furniture outside in the shade to allow for it to air dry.


B Leather

The best product for this is Orange TKO.  This product is made naturally from orange peels, and the citric acid works in cutting through the smoky residues that cling to leather furniture.  Pour some Orange TKO on a cloth and wipe down the entire surface of the leather furniture.  For added measure, you can also pour baking soda within the lining to freshen the cushion.


C Wood

Similar to Orange TKO, the citric acid within lemon oil eats through the smoke residues on the wood’s surface.  Apply lemon oil to a cloth and wipe down the entire surface of the furniture’s wood.


How to Get Weed Smell Out of House

When you have house visitors, and you often don’t want all of them to know that smoke pot. In a world of parents and landlords, keeping a squeaky clean reputation has a rather large upside.



Lingering odors are one of the greatest giveaways to any house visitor that you smoke pot. Despite your rationale for keeping these extracurricular activities on the DL, there are several things that can be done to cut down of the potency of the leftover smells.


Quick Smell Removal


1 Open Windows

Make sure that you first open all of the window within your house.  Do so will allow fresh air to sweep through and carry off any unwelcome weed odor.  To speed this process up, you can even use a window fan to push the stagnant air outside.


2 Febreze

This product works great at masking the smell of weed on short notice.  By spraying down your the rooms where you have been smoking the most, you will be able to vastly reduce the detection of the odor.  It is smart to have this spray stored within arrives where you regularly smoke to have on hand with short notice.


3 Spray Cologne or Perfume

On short notice you can also spray high quantities of cologne or perfume around your apartment.  In many cases, this has the effect of covering the smell, but may seem suspicious that you are trying to cover something up.


4 Cigarettes

Another quick solution is to smoke a cigarette.  Cigarette smoke is a bit stronger than weed, and does a great job at mask the odor.  Be sure to greet you visitor while  smoking the cigarette, so you leave no confusion as to where the odor is coming from.  Additionally, be sure to keep a pack nearby,  in case you need to use it on short notice.


5 Ozium

This product works wonders at cutting through odors.  It also comes in a variety of smells and many prefer it to Febreze due to it’s extra strong smell and small size.


Smoking Methods


1 Joints  (Very Potent)

Don’t smoke joints in the house.  They carry the strongest odors and cause the house, as well as your clothes, hair and hands to smell of weed.


2 Bongs  (Mild Odor)

Bongs produce much less marijuana smell than joints.  The smoke gets partially purified from traveling through bong water, which causes the smoke to be more purified.


3 Vaporizers (Virtually No Odor)

Using a vaporizer allows you to make a significant cut within weed odors within your house.  This tool leaves almost no odors behind, and is a great solution for being respectful of non-smoking roommates.


Long-term Smell Solutions


1 Bleach

Make a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water within a large bucket.  Using a sponge scrub down all surfaces including the walls, ceiling and floors with this solution.  Be sure that windows are open during this process so that the moisture can evaporate and sweep any remaining traces outside.


2 Baking Soda

If your carpet has a distinct odor of weed, it can be tricky to get this odor out.  Be sure to sprinkling high quantities of baking soda over the entire surface of the carpet, and let the powder sit for 24-48 hours.  After a minimum of a day has past, you can vacuum all of the baking soda off from the carpet.  The baking soda should have absorbed much of the odor by this point, leaving your carpets smelling fresh.


3 Smoke Joints Outdoors

Due to joints smelly nature, be sure to never smoke a them while being indoors.  If you need to smoke indoors, you may want to consider purchasing an vaporizer to cut down on odors.
