How to Get Smell Out of Ferret

Though ferrets make for wonderful companions, they can carry a foul smell when they are not properly cared for. The funk can cover them from head to toe, and distribute a pungent fume throughout the household.

By taking simple actions, you can eliminate ferret odor and ensure that it does not create an unwanted stench within the household.  The following tips will help in freshening the ferret and meeting the objective of an odor-free home.

Ferret Deodorizing Solutions


1 Neuter Your Ferret

Desexing a ferret with a simple operation at your neighborhood veterinarian can help in removing much of the smell that a ferret produces.  The odor causing hormones that ferrets emit are heavily reduced after they have had this simple operation.


2 De-scent Your Ferret

Having your ferret de-scented means having the ferret’s anal glands surgically removed at your local veterinarian.  The glands have a way of leaking out smell residues throughout the home, within their bedding and around their cage.  Without these glands, much of their odor producing capabilities will be minimized.


3 Keep Indoors

Odors from your ferret often depend upon whether it’s an indoor or outdoor ferret.  If the ferret is kept indoors, there remain less potential for them to develop smelly outdoor residues that may accumulate within their fur.


4 Change & Wash Bedding

Change & Wash Bedding Be sure that you change and wash the ferrets bedding.  By doing this twice a week, you can prevent your ferrets natural residues from building and becoming stagnant.  In short, washing twice a week will help avoid a smelly ferret situation.


5 Change Litter Box

Change the litter box every 24-48 hours to remove the any unwanted ferret dropping smells.  As an added measure, you can use a natural enzyme cleaning solution to spray down the empty litter box before refilling with new ferret litter.  Doing these actions will help in controlling the smells that develop within this box.


6 They Are What They Eat

Ferrets are what they eat.  Be sure to feed them ferret specific natural foods.  Resist the urge to feed them fish or food that is made for cats.  Proper diet will help in balanced and effective approach to have them smelling fresh again.


7 Don’t Bathe Often

Resist the urge to bathe the ferrets too often.  Bathing a ferret can have the unwanted effect of turning their glands into overdrive to compensate for loosing their scent.  If they are bathed too often, they will smell rather unpleasant shortly after being shampooed.  Should you need to bath your ferret be sure that they are washed with ferret specific shampoo to minimize unwanted effects.


8 Female Over Males

Males are known to smell more than female ferrets.  If you are in the market for purchasing a ferret, you may want to consider selecting a less odorous female ferret.
