How to Get Dog Urine Smell Out of Carpet

Even when accidents occur, we still love our canine companions.   However, when our faithful friends pass an unfortunate urine deposit on our carpet, our dedication often falls short of removing the stench.


With a range of cleaning options, it can be challenging to find the proper household solution for neutralizing this unwelcome aroma. In this guide, there will be a variety of effective remedies for ridding yourself of  doggy urine-based odor.


Suggested Steps

The following steps are key for removing urine from the carpet and neutralizing all of the residual odors.


1 Step 1: Blot Dry

Begin by pressing down of the urine spot with a dry cloth.  This will work to absorb much of the urine from the carpeting and the underlying padding.  To soak up the deep down moisture place body weight behind the press to ensure more urine is brought to the surface.


2 Step 2: Water Down

Once the majority of the urine is drawn out of the carpeting, pour water on top of the location and proceed to press dry the location.  After doing to two to three times, it will have the effect of further diluting the urine percentage within the carpeting.


3 Step 3: Enzyme Deodorizer

Most veterinarians recommend using an enzyme deodorizer. The  power of activated enzymes works to eat through the remaining organic odors left from the urine.  Pour enzyme carpet cleaning solution on the spot of the carpeting and allow for it to set within the carpeting for a minimum of 24-48 hours.  After one to two days, return and blot dry the moisture from the carpet allowing the remaining moisture to air dry. Enzyme cleaning solution can be purchased at pet stores and most super markets.


Alternatives to Enzyme Solution

When enzyme solution is not available, there are other formulas that can have a similar effect in drawing out lingering urine odors.  Both baking soda and vinegar are effective ingredients at neutralizing odors within carpeting to return them to normal.  Follow step one and two above, and then use one of the below solutions.


A White Vinegar

Mix a formula of one part white vinegar and two parts water and pour within the affected portion of the carpeting.  Allow the vinegar to set into this spot for 4-8 hours before returning to blot dry the location.  The windows within the room can be opened to epedite the drying process of the remaining moisture.


B Baking Soda

Develop a mixture of one part baking soda with six parts water and pour on the location of the accident.  Allow for the baking soda formula to set in and absorb the odor for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to blot dry the majority of the moisture from the carpeting.


How to Get Smell Out of Carpet

Carpet is a collection zone for tracked filth, spills and even bodily fluids. With much use, it should come as no surprise that unpleasant odors can often creep up on it without notice.


Since we spend so much time living on top of this flooring, it is important to know how to clean and freshen it.  Accordingly, this guide outlines a wide range of smells that can develop within carpet and provides unique solutions for removing them.


Mildew Smell Removal

Once mildew odors get within carpet, the smell can be very challenging to remove.  The smell of mildew is representative of the existence of mold within the carpet, which means that you must also kill off mold to make the problem go away.


1 Step 1: Shampoo

Develop a solution of 5 teaspoons of shampoo with a half gallon of hot water, and pour on the location.  Using a cloth, begin scrubbing down area.  Pay extra attention to remove all of visible mold from the carpeting.  The shampoo will help the lift any discoloration and clean the spot.


2 Step 2: White Vinegar

White vinegar works well in getting deep within the carpeting fiber and reaching the underlying padding.  Mix a formula of white vinegar and water in equal parts and pour liberal amounts of this substance over this spot.  Allow this spot to sit for 3-4 hours, before returning to blot the area to remove as much moisture from the carpeting as possible.


3 Step 3: Enzyme Deodorizer

Finally, return with an enzyme carpet cleaner and pour this product over the area of the mildew odor.  Similarly, allow this substance to sit for a minimum of 3-4 hours before blotting the remaining moisture left from this substance up.


4 Step 4: Fan Dry

Run a fan pointed at the location of the mildew to aid the carpet in a faster drying process.  For added measure, open the windows during the day to allow for ventilation.


Vomit Smell Removal

When vomit gets within carpeting it is never a pleasurable experience.  The longer you wait to clean the vomit, the more resistant the odor becomes.


1 Step 1: Scoop

Scoop up all of the vomit as soon as it hits the carpeting.  Using a flat edged instrument like a spoon can be helpful for scooping up the  the substance.  Keep in mind that the faster you treat the accident, the less likely it is to get deep down within the fiber and padding.


2 Step 2: Shampoo

Mix 5 teaspoons of shampoo with a half gallon of water and pour on top of the spot.  Rub and blot the area to allow the soap to lift the bits and pieces of the throw-up to the surface.  Continually scoop this soap from the surface to remove any remaining acidic debris.


3 Step 3: Enzyme Cleaner

Once the surface becomes visibly clean, pour enzyme cleaner over the location.  The activated enzymes within this formula eats through any odor producing organics or acids left within the carpeting and padding.  After 3-4 hours, return to blot some of the excess moisture, leaving some remaining to air dry.


Urine Smell Removal

Deodorizing urine from carpeting is not a pleasant activity.  When you get done scolding the perpetrating piddler, the following steps will help in returning the carpeting back to normal.


1 Step 1: Blot

Blot as much urine from the carpeting as possible.  Using several paper towels press down with you entire body weight to absorb the majority of the urine spill.


2 Step 2: Detergent Mixture

Mix a solution of 4 teaspoons of dish detergent with a gallon of warm water.  Pour half of the contents on the location of the urine spot, and proceed to blot the formula from the carpet.  Once the solution has been blotted up, repeat instructions with the second half.


3 Step 3: White Vinegar

Vinegar will directly counteract the ammonia and help in removing any residual odors. Mix a half gallon solution of vinegar and water in equal parts, and pour on the spot.  Let the formula sit for 1-2 hours before returning to blot up the moisture.


How to Get Vomit Smell Out of Room

When throw is left to sit, it can develop a smell so awful that it can consume all of the fresh air within the room.  The stench ferments within the flooring and seems as though it will never go away.

Fortunately, there are several solutions for freshening a room plagued by throw-up.  With the help of several household cleaning supplies, you will be able to wipe out this sharp odor and make sure it is gone for good.

Act Quickly

1 Scoop It Up

Once the vomit hit the floor within your room, you are in a race against time to clean this substance up.  The longer you wait, the deeper the juices will get within the flooring, and the more challenging it will be to clean and deodorize.  Be sure to get the majority of it content of this spill up before washing the spot down.

2 Dish Detergent

Create a warm soapy mixture of dish detergent to scrub this spot down.  Dunk rag in solution and continually scrub location ensuring to get all bits and pieces of the vomit up and out of the flooring.  Upon completion, all visible signs of the vomit lifted out of the location.

Household Smell Removal Solutions

Often cleaning a the location of an accident is not enough to odor.  By putting the following solutions to use, you will be able to wipe out the remaining odor producing residues within the flooring.

1 Open Windows

Before getting started with any of the below solutions, make sure that you have opened all of the window available to you within the room.  This will provide temporary fresh air, as well as needed ventilation to sweep out the stench.

2 Enzyme Cleaners

These types of cleaners are the best solution for wiping out organic substances like vomit.  Enzymes are a fantastic solution for vomit spills, as the solution will literally go to work at eating organic materials like vomit on the spot.  Simply pour a half cup of this onto the location that has experienced the damage and let substance air dry off.  Products like containing active enzymes like Nature’s Cure, can be purchased at most pet stores and large grocery stores.

3 White Vinegar

Pouring a small amount of white vinegar on the spot can do wonders for removing the unwanted vomit odors. Vinegar has chemical properties that work to neutralize almost all organic odors, including throw-up.  By pouring a small portion on the source of the smell and leaving it to air dry, your will be able to remove much of the unwelcome aroma.

4 Baking Soda + Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are excellent cleaner and also work well in deodorizing acidic spills like vomit. Mix one teaspoon baking soda,  three tea spoons of hydrogen peroxide and one cup of water, and pour on the location of the odor.  Let the mixture seep into the flooring and evaporate carrying much of the vomit smell out.  As an added benefit, any floor discoloration left from the vomit will likely be lightened and lifted of from the lightening properties within both baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

5 Baking Soda

Pour a heavy amount of baking soda on the location of the spill and let powdery substance sit for 24-48 hours.  The baking soda will work slowly to capture much of the odor producing acids and neutralize them.  After a day or two, return to the spot to vacuum the powder up, leaving freshened flooring behind.

6 Vodka

This substance has been used for generations as a deodorizing compound for household spills.  Pour a half cup of the vodka on the location of the acidic accident and let alcohol cut through the vomit residues.  After the substance has evaporated, you can enjoy a room free of vomit odors.

7 Cat Litter

This another dry substance that works great and pulling unwanted organic odors out of flooring.  Sprinkle a heavy amount of this substance of the location, and let sit for 24-48 hours.  After a day or two, return to vaccuum the cat litter up and return you room to it’s previous odor-free condition.

8 Febreze

This product works wonders at cutting through a wide range of odors.  When the smell produced from the vomit is not great, you may wish to use this product to give the spot a heavy spray down.  Let the location air dry, and kiss much of the acidic odor away.


How to Get Vomit Smell Out of Carpet

When we’re sick, we don’t want to worry about getting vomit smell out of the carpet.  This involuntary upchuck often hits us when we are least equipped to clean and deodorize it. As undesirable as this housekeeping is, the need to immediately treat the acidic spill is often an unfortunate necessity.

In this guide, there are a range of solutions provided for neutralizing vomit odor and adding freshness back within your carpeting.  By following the below tips and tricks, you will be able to increase your odds of returning your carpet back to it’s original state.

Action Plan

1 Scoop Up Immediately

Once throw-up hits the carpet, you should take action as soon as possible to get the it out.  You are in a race against the vomit from setting into the padding located below the carpeting.  You will need to use an instrument with a hard edge for this purpose. Spoons are effective tools and help in retrieving the majority of the vomit pieces from the fiber.

2 Shampoo

Mix a solution of one part shampoo to four parts water, and pour on the affected carpeting.  Scrub this location until all remnants of the vomit have risen and sequentially scooped off with paper towels.  This is often a dirty task, but it is important to get all of the bits and pieces up and out of the carpet.

Household Smell Removal Solutions

1 Club Soda + White Vinegar

Mix a cup of club soda and 4-5 tablespoons of white vinegar together and pour over the troubled area of the carpet.  Let this sit for 1-2 hours, and proceed to remove the contents of this solution from the carpeting by blot drying with paper towels until the area is dry.

2 Ammonia + White Vinegar

Mix ammonia, white vinegar and water in equal parts and pour the contents onto the troubled spot of the carpet.  Similarly, let this area sit for 1-2 hours below returning with paper towels to press out the liquid solution from the location.

3 Hydrogen Peroxide + Baking Soda

Mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and pour the contents onto the smelly area of the carpet.  Let sit for 1-2 hours before returning to press out the moisture from this solution with paper towels.

4 Vodka

Pour a cup of vodka on the location of the carpet where the vomit odor is coming from.  Vodka works to break down organic compounds and neutralize odors.  Allow this area to air dry without assistance of paper towels.  If you have an inexpensive bottle, this is definitely worth a try.

5 Laundry Detergent

Mix a cup of water with 1-3 teaspoon of laundry detergent, and proceed to pour solution on the location of the carpet experiencing throw-up odor.   After 1-2 hours, rinse this area with additional water, and press moisture out of carpet with paper towels.

6 Sprinkle Baking Soda

After trying one of the above solutions, you can try sprinkling baking soda onto the location of your carpet with an unpleasant odor.  Baking soda works to break down the butyric acid which is located within our intestines. By sprinkling baking soda on the location, it will neutralize the acid and create an oderless sodium butyrate.  After 24 hours, you will need to vacuum up the powder.

7 Steam Cleaner

If you have a carpet cleaner, some of the above solutions can still be of benefit before using this household tool.  If you do not own a carpet cleaner, you may wish to try some of the above solutions by hand before renting an expensive device.

Product Smell Removal Solutions

1 Nature’s Miracle

This type of solution is used by many carpet cleaners to get tough odors out.  This product can be bought at any pet store, and works by introducing enzymes that eat away at smelly organic matter.
