How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

In a social world, bad breathe can be a deal breaker.  Interacting with someone who has chronic bad breathe is an unpleasant experience that can lead to discomfort.  The stale stench can be embarrassing and can lead to others question your bodily and oral health and hygiene.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for treatment of difficult oral odors to return freshness to your breath.  Using a combination of the following solutions will be sure to reduce or remove the foul stench within your breathe and ensure that it never returns.

Deodorizing Solutions for Bad Breath

1 Drink More Water

Regularly drinking water will help in ensuring that you maintain fresh smelling breath. Water helps the mouth in staying hydrated and makes sure that bacteria does not become stagnate and grow. This is important because bacteria is one of the largest contributors to bad breath.

2 An Apple A Day

Many claim that eating an apple a day will do much to remove the negative effects of bad breath. While this is only a temporary solution, the crispy fiber does a great job in cleansing the mouth getting rid of excess plaque that may be causing the problem. Similarly, bananas also can have a positive effect if you are out of apples.

3 Candies & Gum

This solution has been used for generations to cover up bad breath. While most any candy or gum will have some short-term positive effect, ones that are naturally supplemented with cinnamon or ginger will have a much greater effect.

4 Mouthwash or Hydrogen Peroxide

Both hydrogen peroxide and astringent mouthwash can be effective at removing bad breath. When selecting mouthwash you can usually spot the astringent variety by it’s intense blu or green coloring. While all mouthwashes work, ones that only use high alcohol levels to kill bacteria will not be as powerful.

Bad Breath Prevention Tips

1 Keep Good Oral Health

The number one thing you can do to ensure good breath is to maintain good oral health. Keeping good oral health means that you are complying with the following standards:

A Brushing Teeth

It may sound gross, but many people fail to brush their teeth on a daily basis. Be sure that you are different, and always brush you teeth during both morning and night before going to bed. As a general rule, if you are brushing for less than 60 second, you can be doing a better job in cleaning your teeth.

B Flossing Teeth

Much of the odor producing plaque that causes bad breath lives in the cracks and creases of the gum line and between the teeth. Flossing will help you reach these difficult location the snap out any bacteria grim that may be causing you mouth to smell. Make sure that you are flossing daily to prevent unwanted buildup.

C Scraping Tongue

People rarely scrape their tongue, but this remains an important step in fighting the odorous bacteria within your mouth. The are countless groves and seams within your tongue where bacteria can grow. Scraping your tongue on a daily basis will ensure that this area is kept clean and clear of plaque.

2 Stay Away From Garlic and Onions

Both of these ingredients are known perpetrators of bad breath. If you are eating high quantities of these white vegetables of a regular basis, they may just be the source of you problem. As a preventative measure you can either test your own breath or ask a friend to smell you exhale after eating either of these ingredients at a restaurant.

3 Don’t Smoke Cigarettes

Besides being harmful to your health, smoking cigarettes on a regular basis can have a negative effect on your breath. Regular smokers should consider cutting back on there habit or stopping altogher if they are regularly combating a stale smoker’s breath. If quitting is not an option, the following guide can provide some extra ideas for freshening breath on the short term: Guide: How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Mouth

Long-term Bad Breath Solutions

1 See a Family Physician

If you are doing everything you can to reduce staleness within your breath with no success, your particular problem may be a medical one. During your next visit to the doctor bring up your problem and ask if it may be indicative of any larger problems.


How to Get Weed Smell Off Breath

Among our family and friends, we do not want to judged for our extracurricular activities. However, when your breathe smells of weed, these people may begin to believe that you are a pothead.


Within this guide, there are a range of solutions for neutralizing weed odor within your mouth.  By following the below tips, you will be able to increase your odds of eliminating these odors and say goodbye to weed within your breathe.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Mouthwash

Mouthwash is one of the most popular solutions for eliminating weed-based odor within your mouth.  By swishing and gargling this substance you will be able to knock out the most of the traces within your breathe.

2 Hydrogen Peroxide

This is often used as a powerful substitute for mouthwash.  By swishing and gargling this solution, it will cut through the organic materials within your mouth and leave your breathe smelling fresh.  As a note of caution, should mix this substance in equal parts with water to avoid the full strength of this compound.

3 Drinking Water

Drinking large amount of water you will allow you to wash down much of the weedy residue covering your mouth and throat.  One to two pints (16-32 oz) of water usually does the trick.

4 Water + Baking Soda

Baking soda works great at absorbing and carrying off odors.  By mixing a solution of water and baking soda in equal part you can create a homemade mouth wash.  By swishing and gargling this substance within your mouth for 30-45 seconds you will be able to kill off much of the smoke residue contributing to weed breathe.

5 Vodka

The alcohol within vodka cuts through many odor creating residues.  By simply taking and shot and remembering to swish before swallowing, you will be able to eliminate most signs of weed from your breathe.  One benefit of vodka is that it is nearly impossible to smell on someones breathe.

6 Ginger Candies

Candies that containing ginger ingredients do a great job at neutralizing and masking the smell of weed.  Be sure that the candies contain real ginger, as the artificially flavored ones are not nearly as effective.

7 Peanut Butter

Using peanut butter has long been used to mask the smell of weed on one’s breathe.  By simply eating some peanut butter after smoking weed you will be able to cover much weed scent within breathe.

8 Fresh Lemonade

The active acids within lemons do a great job at cutting through smoke related odors.  Be sure that the juice is freshly squeezed, as artificially flavored juice is not nearly as effective. 

9 Fresh Orange Juice

By drinking orange juice, you will be able to apply the same acids as lemonade to the fight against weed breathe.  The citric acid works by breaking down smoke related residues and leaves your mouth smelling fresh.

10 Cigarette

When all else fails, smoke a cigarette.  Smoking a cigarette will mask the smell of weed and give you an excuse to be carrying a lighter.  You should always have a pack of cigarettes stashed for any emergencies.
