NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray Review



One particularly unattended to but omnipresent problem of pet ownership is smells produced outside of the household in the yard. Potty trained pets keep their bathroom business outside of the home, but often take liberties when it comes to the great outdoors. Fido and Rex leave their mark across the backyard, leaving no flower, rock, or slide left unmarked. This attention to detail often leaves grass, play sets, and lawn furniture susceptible to unpleasant urine and feces odors that can prove unpleasant for humans wishing to take in the outdoors as well. Add in dry days and a heat wave, and often these yard odors become overwhelming making the yard unsavory and unusable as anything other than a pet powder room. NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray offers a solution for yards that smell yucky, allowing the humans of the household to lay claim to the well-manicured realm of the backyard once more.


Benefits & Uses

After waste removal NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray may be sprayed to eliminate residual stool and urine odors. The solution is safe to use on nearly any object. Spray to remove dog markings on patio furniture, playground equipment, dog runs, fences, hedges and flower beds. The solution even works on grass itself!

The product neutralizes urine and stool odors over a wide swath of area, and can be employed safely in dog parks and at doggy day cares and kennels with outdoor yards.

NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray comes in handy for multi-pet households. It also provides relief from pet elimination odors in dry climates, areas experiencing drought, and during heat waves. When the weather doesn’t naturally remove pet odors outdoors, NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray allows pet owners to take matters into their own hands.

NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray also works well for spray cleaning and deodorizing dog kennels and dog houses. Simply attach the solution to the hose and spray down the kennels. Wipe down the interior to dry after spraying.
NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray can also be employed to spray down patios and deck areas that might have fallen prey to puppy potty times.
NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray can be directly sprayed on specific target areas or employed to provide blanket coverage for a backyard where dogs have free reign. If you can point a hose at it, NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray will help eliminate odors.
NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray is specially calibrated like all NaturVet products to be a healthy and natural solution to an everyday pet problem.


Deodorizing Strength & Speed

NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray works well to neutralize pet odors, especially in conjunction with removal of stool. Owners with multiple dogs or especially smelly yards might need to make more than one application to fully remove smells. The 32 oz bottle covers square footage of up to 15k sq ft providing ample coverage for even the largest of back yards.


Cautions & Warnings

NaturVet Yard Odor Eliminator Concentrate Hose Spray is safe for use in areas with pets and children. However do not apply the spray directly to pets. It is for use on urine and stool affected surfaces only. Before using on fabrics, spot test for colorfastness.
Keep spray out of direct contact with eyes. If the concentrate is accidentally ingested, contact poison control immediately.


Common Active Ingredients

Alkyl Dimethyl Benzylammonium Chloride as an odor neutralizer and deodorizer.


Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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