How to Get Sour Milk Smell Out of Carpet

Once milk has spilled in carpeting fiber, the organic fluid can quickly spoil and transform into a repugnant stink. The sour milky odor can quickly permeate the affected room and present challenge to diagnose a proper deodorizing solution.


As difficult as it may be to freshen, there are a handful of household remedies for removing the stench. The following solutions can help to treat the affected carpeting and to ensure that the fiber and underlying padding is smelling fresh.


Sour Milk Smell Removal Solutions


1 Blot, Water & Blot Again

As a preliminary step, you will want to blot as much of the smelly milk out of the carpeting as possible. While preforming this action, you will want to place you entire body weight behind the press increase your effectiveness in extracting the sour smelling moisture. Once dried, you will need to pour additional water on this location to soak the affected spot and dilute the remaining milk residues. Finish this step by pressing drying this location again to extract the watery milk mixture from the carpeting.


2 Shampoo Carpet Scrub

As a secondary step, shampooing the carpeting can be performed to properly lift any remaining sour milk debris from the carpeting fiber. Apply a few teaspoon of shampoo to the affected carpeting and pour water on the location to properly moisten the spot. Begin rubbing the location and allow the suds to properly lift any unwanted residues. Finish by blot drying the location, pouring water and then blot drying until no shampoo evidence remains. Often, performing these two steps are all that are required to wipe out minor sour milk odors.


3 White Vinegar Soak

When smells remain after applying shampoo, the use of white vinegar can help ensure that elimination of any remaining sour stench. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with six part warm water and pour it over the affected carpeting and underlying padding. Allow this deodorizing mixture to soak within the carpeting for 3-4 hours before lifting before returning to blot dry the area of application. Finish by opening the windows to allow the carpeting fiber to dry out at a faster rate and ensure that any aroma of vinegar will be erased upon evaporation.


4 Enzyme Drench

Although white vinegar will likely be sufficient, the aroma of white vinegar can be avoided by using odorous enzyme cleaner to literally eat through the odorous milk residues within the carpeting. Pour your enzyme carpet cleaner over the affected location until the carpeting and affected padding is sufficiently moist. Once the affected carpeting location has been soaked, allow the enzyme cleaner to soak within the spot for 24-48 hours. After this time has passed, finish by blot drying the carpeting to lift any remaining enzyme cleaner from the carpet padding.


5 Baking Soda Absorption

To add a final deodorizing touch, baking soda can be sprinkled over the affected area after the moisture from any cleaning solution has evaporated. For best results, rub the carpeting after the baking soda’s application to allow it to get deep within the fiber to absorb any residual sour smells.


Photo credit: Kyle May

Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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