How to Get Smell Out of Cowboy Boots

Many follow the close tradition of any real cowboy in choosing not to wear socks while wearing cowboy boots. This can often have the negative effect of transmitting extra sweat and dead skin cells within the interior walls of the rustic footwear. The resulting bacteria can feed off of the residues and cause an undesirable stench to emit from the interior.

Fortunately, much can be done to lift foot-related odors from the interior of cowboy boots. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that any unwelcome odors will be eliminated to return freshness within the cowboy boot’s interiors.

Cowboy Boots Smell Removal Solutions

1 Baking Soda Absorption

Using baking soda to absorb foot stench within the cowboy boots is a tried and true method for odor removal. Measure a quarter cup of baking soda and pour within the interior of each of the cowboy boots. Upon pouring, lightly shuffle each of the cowboy boots to spread the deodorizing powder across the interior of the boot. Perform this task nightly until the interior of the cowboy boots are smelling fresh.

2 Half Scoop of Cat Litter

In a similar methodology to baking soda, using cat litter for deodorizing the interior of the boots can work great for absorption. Measure a quarter cup of cat litter for each boot and pour within each boot nightly. In the morning the cat litter can be poured out of the boots and back into a cup for reuse on a nightly basis until the smell has been fully absorbed and eliminated.

3 Activated Charcoal Inserts

If you have the time, activated charcoal inserts can work in absorbing difficult odors from the cowboy boot interiors over the course of of weeks. To construct homemade inserts, find a old pair of nylons and cut the leggings into two. Fill each legging with 3-4 briquettes of activated charcoal and proceed to tie knots to enclose them within the socking. Place these nylon enclosed charcoal briquettes within the interior of the cowboy boots and apply them nightly until they have effectively freshened the boots.

4 Enzyme Spray & Newspaper

Use of leather-safe enzyme cleaner can work wonders on eliminating odors within the interior of cowboy boots. Spray this deodorizing solution within the interior and proceed to stuff wadded newspaper deep down within them. Allow the contents to sit for 24-48 hours as the newspaper draws in the stench and the enzyme cleaner eats through the odorous organic content within them. Upon completion, remove the newspaper wads and place them within the sun for the day to air dry.

5 Leather Soap

As a final solution, specialty leather soap can have a fantastic deodorizing effect on the cowboy boot’s surface and interiors. Apply it to the affected surfaces and provide the need time for the leather soap to naturally air dry. For best result, combine this cleaner with one of the other solutions outlined above.

Photo Credit: Emily Hildebrand


Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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