How to Get Fish Smell Out of Hands

Fishy hands are not something that you want coming with you outside of the kitchen.  The sharp stink can cut through the air and deliver a constant reminder of earlier cooking activities.

Fortunately, there exist several unconventional household solutions for removing this odor.  By following the tips provided within this guide you will come closer to eliminating the fishy stench inhabiting your hands.

Fish Smell Removal Solutions

1 Antibacterial Soap

Getting fish odor out of  hands is often as simple as washing them with antibacterial soap.  If the smell persists after washing them more than once, there exist other household solutions.

2 Portable Hand Sanitizer

This substance works great for it’s ability to cut through organic materials.  The alcohol within the mixture drys and sweeps off odors as the sanitizer evaporates.

3 Vodka

As a home remedy, vodka works great at cutting into hands and removing odors.  Simply splash hands with vodka to remove fishy odors and shake them off to air dry.

4 Rubbing Alcohol

Similar to vodka, rubbing alcohol works from the same principles of smell removal.  The alcohol cuts through many organics and works at neutralizing any odors.

5 Vinegar

This compound is also successful at breaking down odors.   Just splash and rub this on your hands to remove any residual odor.  As a final step, be sure to rinse hands afterwards to remove any lingers smell of vinegar.

6 Citrus Fruit

All types of citrus work well in reducing odors due to their natural citric acid compound.   By rubbing hands with lemon, orange or lime  juice, you will be able to cut down on the fishy odor.

7 Baking Soda

Baking soda can do wonders at reducing fish related odors within your hands.  Pour a small amount of baking soda within your hands and rub it in thoroughly under the kitchen faucet.  Finally, wash all of the substance away to reveal freshen hands.

8 Nail Polish Remover

As a last resort, you can quickly splash your hands with nail polish removal.  This substance is quite strong, and it is recommended that you wash hands off shortly after using this solution.


Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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