How to Get B.O. Smell Out of Car

We’ve all let a stinky guy in our car at one point or another.  It is usually an uncomfortable ride, involving a count down of the minutes until you can drop them off.  However, if you’ve let them out and the odor doesn’t go away, it can be a frightening experience.



In this guide, there are a range of solutions offered for removing the off-putting stench within your automobile.  By following the below tips, you can increase your odds of reclaiming your car and terminating the BO infestation.


Body Odor Smell Removal Solutions

1 Open Windows Immediately

If you didn’t think to open the windows before inviting a smelly person within your car, be sure to roll down windows as soon as you drop them off.  This will aerate much of the odors and save time cleaning the interior out.


2 Perfume or Deodorant Spray

Odors are often not pervasive enough to cling to the interior of your car for more than 24 hours.  In such cases, you can usually get rid of BO problems by spraying a blast of perfume or deodorant within the AC when it is turned on full blast.


3 Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda over the seat that the smelly passenger was sitting.  This will draw out much of the residual odors left behind for this individual.  After 12-24 hours sweep or vacuum this powder out of your automobile.


4 Vodka

Pour vodka within a spray bottle, and mist down the interior of the car with high concentrations around the area that the smelly person was sitting.  Vodka works by cutting through organic odors and carries them off once it evaporates.  Though vodka dries odorless, be sure not to drive your car while the smell of alcohol exists within your drying car.


5 White Vinegar

This compound has been used as a home remedy for several generations.  Pour this into a spray bottle with water in equal parts and spray down the interior of the car.  Leave windows open to air dry, and the odor should be gone in less than 24 hours.


6 Febreze

This product can really come in handy on short notice.  By spraying down the interior, you can reclaim air quality within your car and say goodbye to the funky odor that was left behind.


Preventative Solutions

1 Seat Covers

If you know that you will be picking up a smelly person, it is wise to use car seat covers.  These will pick up much of the residual B.O., and you can simply throw them within the washing machine.


2 Arrive With Open Windows

By keeping a well ventilated automobile, you will lessen your chances that a stinky person will rub any of his funk off on your upholstery.  Be sure to show up with windows already open, as rolling them down after the person has entered can be offensive.


Published by

Joe Fresh

Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. He has an over-productive olfactory system with absolutely zero tolerance for unpleasant aromas.

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