How to Get Smell Out of Bong

After much use, a bong can develop a thoroughly unpleasant weed residue that can cause an entire room to stink. This build up can cause discomfort and paranoia for home owners and tenants and demand an immediate solution to keep things under wraps.


Fortunately, there exist several household solutions for lifting pot aroma out of bongs. By following the below tips and tricks, you can be sure that your home will be smelling fresh with a cleaned and deodorized bong.


Bong Smell Removal Solutions


1 Prepare the Bong’s Interior

Unfold a wired coat hanger and bend it until it becomes completely straight. Once performed, fold the wire hanger within the middle so that the hanger can do a better job of holding up. Next, make a hook out of the wire’s end and wrap several paper towels around the hook. Dip the paper towels within a solution of rubbing alcohol and proceed to stick the paper towel cover hook down the mouth hole of the bong. You will need to push and pull the wire out so the paper towel can clean and santitize the interior of the bong’s neck. Once you have removed much of the visanle residues from the bongs neck you can proceed to one of the deodorizing solutions below.


2 More Rubbing Alcohol + Rice

Using a combined solution of rubbing alcohol and rice you will be able to flush much of the soured weed odor out of a bong. Begin by mixing a solution of one part rubbing alcohol with three parts water. Next dismantle the bong and plug up the open holes within the base. Once everything has been made water tight, pour the rubbing alcohol solution within the bong. Ideally, you will want the mixture to fill up at least one third of the available volume within the bong. Next, pour in a half cup of rice and proceed to cover the top mouth hole to give the entire bong a healthy shake. The rice’s abrasiveness will help to grind away some of the residue build up while the rubbing alcohol work to deodorize the interior.


3 Vodka + Rice

In a similar method as rubbing alcohol, vodka and rice can work equally well at removing odor within the bong. Mix a solution of vodka and water in equal parts and pour within a dismantled and plugged bong. Next, add in a half cup of dry rice, cover the top and give the bog a good shake for 3-5 minutes. Once completed, allow the contents to rest within the bottom of the bong for 3-4 hours. After this time period has passed, the contents within the bong can be pour out. Finalize by rinsing out any remaining rice or vodka from the bong’s interior.


4 White Vinegar + Rice

This solution works well by leveraging the natural acid within white vinegar to neutralize smelly weed build up within the bong. Begin by mixing a solution of one part white vinegar with three parts warm part. Next, dismantle the bong and pug up all holes within the bottom of the bong. Proceed to pour in half a cup of dry rice and the mixture and give the entire bog a good shake for 3-5 minutes. Upon completion, place the bong aside for the mixture to go to work in eating away at the smell residues within the base. After you have allowed the bong to sit for 4-6 hours, pour out the contents and give the entire interior of the bong a good rinse with fresh water.


5 Enzyme Cleaner + Rice

As a final solution, enzyme cleaner can be used with bongs that contain an especially bad odor. The active enzymes within the solution will work to literally eat through the organic residues within the bong. Begin by dismantling the bong and plugging the lower holes. Next, pour in a half cup of dry rice and add in enzyme cleaner until the cleaning solution fills one third of the bong. Give the bong a good shake for 3-5 minutes and finalize by setting the bong aside. Allow the enzyme cleaning solution to deodorize the base of the bong for 6-8 hours before pouring it out and thoroughly rinsing the interior of the bong.

Photo credit: Bob With


How to Get Smell Out of Conch Shells

After visiting the Caribbean, many tourist are surprised to find an foul odor developing from their purchased conch shell. The sharp stench is almost always attributed to small bits and pieces of the shell’s previous inhabitant beginning to decompose and develop high bacterial levels.

There are fortunately several things that can be done to deodorize the shell. By following some of the below household solutions, you can be sure that your conch shell will be sterilized, deodorized and a positive part of your home’s decor.

Smell Removal Solutions for Conch Shell

1 Bug Method

This is an unconventional method, but many people swear by it’s effectiveness. Fin a location within the yard where many bugs or ant congregate. Out of all possible areas, ant hills are the most idea location. Place the conch shell down on the ground and leave it there for 3-4 weeks. During this time, ants and other scavenger bugs will go to work in cleaning meaty bits and residues out of the conch shell. Upon completion of this time period, bring the shell in the home and wash it.

2 Boil It

The solution of boiling will do several things to help remove the odor of decomposing remains within the conch shell. It will work to kill any bacteria living on the organic bit. Bacteria is usually based within the rotting meat of shell and often represents the source of the smell. As a secondary function, boiling the shell will have the effect of loosening the meaty bits attached to the interior walls of the shell. As a rule of thumb, you will want to boil the shell for 30-60 minutes for best results.

3 Freeze It

In a similar function to boiling, freezing will also kill the bacteria and loosen any organic bits within the shell. The cold temperature of the freezer has the effect of killing the bacteria due to it’s inability to survive in such cold temperatures. Place the smelly conch shell within a sealed trash bag and place this bag within the freezer. Allow for it to remain within the freezer for 2-3 days before retrieving it and removing the shell from the bag to air outside within the yard.

4 Bury It

Using this method requires several months to deodorize, but it remains an effective solution. Find a nice dirt spot within the yard and dig a 2 foot deep hole. Place the conch shell in the hole and fill the dirt in behind it. Additionally, it’s important place a small stake in the dirt to serve as a reminder of where the conch shell is buried. Allow the conch shell to rest in the dirt for 3-4 months before returning to dig it out. As a final precaution, be careful not to chip the shell with a shovel while digging it up.

5 Submerge in Rubbing Alcohol

This powerful form of household alcohol can work to kill all of the bacteria that may be living off the microbial organics within the conch shell. Fill a large bucket with one part rubbing alcohol to four parts water and proceed to submerge the conch shell within the mixture. Allow the conch shell to soak within the solution for 24 to 48 hours before removing the shell and preforming a thorough rinse of it.

6 Remote Location

As a final solution, you can simply decide that you are going to wait the smell out. You can do this by placing the shell in the most remote corner of your property and provide 1-2 months for the organic bits to naturally dry out and decompose.

Photo credit: Craig Dennis


How to Get Smell Out of Vacuum Cleaner

In the use of this household appliance, smelly bits and residues get swept up inside this machine. After cleaning has been performed, vacuums are rarely cleaned and often gain a heighten odor within the confined space of a closet.


Although vacuum cleaning odors can possess an intense stench, there remain several household solutions to lowering the level of the odor within the appliance. The following rules within this guide will help in removing unwelcome smells from vacuum cleaners and ensuring that they never return.


Vacuum Smell Removal Solutions


1 Suck Up Baking Soda

Most odors come from the machine while it is within use. Given this you can utilize the vacuums functions to deodorize the inner workings of the machine. Sprinkle a small pile of baking soda on the ground and proceed to vacuum the powder up. Once all of the deodorizing powder have been brought within the machine, you can then shut it of and place it back within your household storage location within the home for 24-48 hours. After this time has passed the powder will have heavily reduced the potency of the internal odor within the machine.


2 Cotton Balls + Eucalyptus

If baking soda has been ineffective lavender oil can have a powerful effect at covering up any odor within the vacuum cleaner. Dip 5-10 cotton balls within eucalyptus oil and place them on the ground. Next, suck the balls up and into the vacuum cleaners bag. This heavily scented compound will work to freshen the inner working of the machine over the subsequent days.


3 Cotton Balls + Lavender Oil

Lavender oil can be used in place of eucalyptus oil to cover and treat any unwanted vacuum cleaner odors. Similarly, you will want to dip 5-10 cotton balls within lavender oil and place them on the ground to be sucked up within the machine. Once within the machine, they will work to deodorize the interior of the vacuum cleaner.


4 Vacuum Up Carpet Powder

Carpeting powder can have a similar effect within a vacuum cleaner as it is meant to have on carpeting. Sprinkle a 1/2 cup of this deodorizing powder on the floor and proceed to vacuum it up within the bag. Allow for the powder to sit for 24-48 hours for the finalizing effect to take place on the machine.


5 Fabric Softener Sheets

This solution can have a powerful effect on the output of fumes sent out from the machine. This solution is rather simple, and only require sucking up 4-5 unused dryer sheets within the machine. Once completed, the scented sheets will ensure that most odors will be masked within the machine air pushed output.


6 Empty or Change Bag

As a final solution, the vacuum cleaner bag can be emptied or even thrown out with particularly difficult odors. Vacuum bags are not particularly expensive and can be a sound solution for saving time while fixing odor.


How to Get Smell Out of Leather Watch Band

Once a smell develops within your leather watch band, it can be a smelly nuisance that can act as a constant bother.  No matter the number of showers that you bring it into, it just continue to smell of musty built up sweat.

Fortunately, there exist a range of household ingredient that can help in removing the stink and help in returning the watch to normal.  By following the below solutions, you can be sure that the watch will be smelling as if it were brand new.

Smell Removal Solutions for Leather Watch Band

1 Sunlight

Placing the leather watch band within direct sunlight can do much to remove the embedded stink. The ultra violet rays, open space and fresh air will slowly work to neutralize the smell and render the leather fiber odorless. It is important to find the correct balance when performing this task. Too much sun will ensure can potential bleach the leather color and too little will not have a strong enough effect.

2 Enzyme Cleaner

This solution works well on leather to eat through the odorous organics that are creating the cause. Draw a small bowl of this solution, and submerge the leather straps within the solution for a total of 3-4 hours. Once complete, place the leather band in direct sunlight to dry out before reattaching to the watch face.

3 Activated Charcoal

Using activated charcoal is a noninvasive and effective solution if you have the time. Find a very small box to place several charcoal briquettes. Next include the watch band within the pile and seal the box. Allow the box to sit for 5-7 days to slowly work it’s magic in absorbing all of the unwanted aromas before opening it to remove the freshened wrist bands.

4 Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda has been used for generations in extracting unwelcome odors from household items. Within a small bowl create a baking soda paste of one part baking soda to three parts water. Once mixed, submerge the leather watch bands within this formula and allow it to sit for 24 hours. During this time, the leather fiber will be loosened up and the baking soda will work to absorb the available odor. After this time period has passed, remove the watch bands and place them under the facet to wash away any baking soda paste that may remain on it. Finally, complete this solution by laying the watch band within the sun to air dry.

5 Murphy’s Oil Soap

As far as product solutions go, Murphy’s Oil Soap can work wonders in eliminating harsh leather odors while remaining sensitive and gentile to the wrist bands appearance. Apply generous amounts of this solution to the watch band and allow it to sit for 2-3 hours. After this time rub away any excess and set aside for the fiber to naturally dry out.


How to Get Smell Out of Lunch Box

An unpleasant smell within a lunch box can build over a few days of neglect or after several months of use. Once the smell builds, it can often be incredibly challenging to deodorize the stink and return the box to its former freshness.

Fortunately, there are a handful of household remedies that work to eliminate food-based stenches. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that your lunch box will be stink-free and smelling like new.

Smell Removal Solutions for Lunch Box

1 Get Rid of Rotten Food

In most cases, the foul smell of residues within a lunch box are the result of food being left within the lunch box and subsequently spoiling. Although removing all rotten from the box may come be common sense, we thought that we would mention it none the less. After removing the rotten food bit, you will be able to evaluate the need to further treat the box with of of the below deodorizing solutions.

2 Soapy Scrub & Sunshine

Although this may be something that you have already tried, it remains effective in eliminating most lunch box odors. Mix a solution of dish detergent with hot water and scrub down the interior of the lunch box. Once completed, proceed to wash down the interior with fresh water to lift out any soap residues. Finalize by placing the lunch box outside within the sun until all moisture has naturally evaporated away.

3 Baking Soda

This household powder has fantastic odor absorption capabilities and can work well in freshening the interior of the lunch box. Begin by wiping down the interior of the box with a war soapy mixture. Before the moisture dries out, scoop 1/4 cup of baking soda and drop them within the lunch box. Proceed to seal the lid of the box and give it a good shake for 60 seconds to ensure that all of the walls of the box are sufficiently covered. Allow to box to sit for 24-48 hours while to powder works to pull in all unwanted odors. This solution and be finalized by sweeping out the loose baking soda from the lunch box after this waiting period has passed.

4 White Vinegar

Similar to baking soda, white vinegar is another kitchen ingredient that works well in eliminating odors on the spot. Mix a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts within a small bowl. Using a clean sponge proceed to completely wipe down the interior of the lunch box. Once completed, leave the box open for the white vinegar solution to naturally evaporate away.

5 Newspaper + Vanilla Extract

If other methodologies have been ineffective, newspaper dipper within vanilla can do wonders in absorbing and covering rotten food odors. Wad up several sheets of newspaper until you are certain that the quantity will be sufficient to fill the space within the box. Next, dip the edges of the newspaper balls within a solution of one part vanilla extract and three parts water. Stuff the dipped balls within the lunch box, seal the lid and allow the box to sit for 24-48 hours. Once completed, open the lid and remove the newspaper balls from the case.

6 Coffee Grounds

Many people do not know that coffee grounds can be an effective odor absorbent. Fill the bottom of your lunch box with a half cup of coffee ground and close the lid. After 24-48 hours have passed, the grounds will have worked to absorb the unwelcome odor and left a subtle aroma of coffee beans behind.

Photo Credit: Per-Olof Forsberg


How to Get Smell Out of Dog Collar

When our dog’s develop an unpleasant odor within their collars, it is often a mystery how the smell could have built into such a formidable odor. Often, the odor is so bad that some dog owners consider taking their companion to a canine veterinarian for a check-up. However, considering that collars are often overlooked during dog washes, it may begin to make some sense why this is the only area of your pouch that possesses a pungent aroma.


Fortunately, the are a number of household solutions for removing embedded doggy dander from a collar. By following the below solutions, all odors can be lifted from the collar fiber to ensure that your dog is smelling at it’s best.


Deodorizing Doggy Collar Solutions


1 Rotate Collars

Rotating collars is always a good practice. Doing this will ensure that your dog is always wearing a collar while another one is being cleaned and deodorized. This will keep your dog identifiable and make sure they never get lost. As well, this will also ensure that the odor will never build into a stink that will be impossible to remove. As soon as the fiber begins to smell, you will know that it is time to swap the collar and deodorize it.


2 Hand Wash + Lay in Sun

Once a mild smell has develop within your dog’s collar, you will know that it is time to hand wash the collar and lay within the sun. Apply a light detergent to the collar within the sink and scrub intensely. The objective it to draw out as much dog related oils from the fiber as possible. Once complete, squeeze out any remaining moisture and place the collar outside in direct sunlight until the remaining moisture has completely air dried away.


3 Washing Machine

For subtle dog scents within the collar, simply placing it through a washing machine cycle is enough to deodorize it and have it smelling fresh again. This solution can be combined with a normal household clothing wash to ensure that the collar does not bang around within the washer and dryer by itself.


4 Cycle in Dishwasher

Although it may seem unconventional, many swear by the dishwasher’s effectiveness at eliminating difficult odors found within dog collars. The dog collar can be placed within a normal dish filled cycle that is set on the hottest setting. Upon completion the piping hot soapy rinse will have an impressive freshening effect. As a final step, the collar can be placed within the sun to dry out.


5 Soak in Enzymes or Oxyclean

Soaking the dog collar within a bowl of enzyme cleaner or Oxiclean can do much to eliminate the most difficult odors from a dog collar. Allow the dog collar to soak in either of the solutions for 4-6 hours before removing it and placing it through washing machine cycle with your clothing. Upon completion, your dog’s collar will be smelling much fresher than it did before.

Photo Credit: Lindy Ireland


How to Get Smell Out of Shofar

Upon purchasing a brand new shofar, many people are surprised to smell the stinky remains of the previous animal that it belonged to. Meaty animal particles often remain in shofars and begin to smell as decomposition of the bits rot away within the interior of the horn.

In such cases, you can wait for this or to naturally dissipate, or you can speed the process by using some household solutions. By applying the following suggestions, you can be sure that you will be blowing your freshened shofar in no time!

Shofar Smell Removal Solutions

1 White Vinegar

This household acid can work well at cutting through the odorous organics within a shofar. Begin by plugging the mouth piece of the shofar with an ear plug or a small cork. proceed to pour in a solution of one part white vinegar with three parts warm water. Allow this solution to sit within the shofar for 24-48 hours. During this time the vinegar mixture will work to eliminate any meat rot odors and freshen the interior of the horn. Finalize by pouring the solution out and allowing the shofar to naturally air dry.

2 Rubbing Alcohol

This alcohol can be helpful in neutralizing odors and sanitizing surfaces that stem from the decomposition processes. After plugging the mouth hole, fill the shofar with one part rubbing alcohol and three parts water. Allow for the solution to sit for 24 hours before returning to pour the deodorizing mixture out. Once completed,

3 Enzyme Cleaner

This solution works well when others have been less successful. The active enzymes within this solution will help in literally eating through the rotting particles within the interior of the horn and leave the natural fiber smelling fresh. Enzyme cleaners can be purchased at pet stores and most large supermarkets. Pour equal parts of enzyme cleaner and water inside the interior of the shofar after successfully plugging the mouth piece with cork. Allow the solution to sit for 24-48 hours as the enzyme reduce the odor levels within the shofar. Once completed, pour the contents out and allow the shofar to air dry.

4 Hydrogen Peroxide

This solution works well at eliminating high bacterial levels within the horn that may be causing the odor. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts and pour within the shofar. Once completed, allow for the shofar to sit for 24 hours before pouring the contents out and allowing it to air dry.

5 Cat Litter

This is an unconventional solution that can eliminate odors. Pour clean unused cat litter within the horn and allow it to sit for 5-7 days after being filled. During this time the fresh cat litter will help in absorbing much of the odor and drying out any of the smelly organics living within the shofar.

6 Product Solution

Many may be surprised that such a product exists, but specialized shofar deodorizing solutions can be purchase to fix your horn smell issues. The product spray is sold on and is called “Shofar Odor Neutralizing Spray”.

Photo Credit: Ethan Ablemon


How to Get Smell Out of Sunglasses

After countless hours of use, dead skin and sweat can build within the creases and surface of sunglasses. It’s strange that smell can develop within something so small, however it can deliver a powerful punch when it does.

Fortunately, there are several ways to eliminate the pungent residual inhabiting our sunglasses and ensure that the foul odors that they possess become a thing of the past. The following solutions will ensure that the stench is neutralized and the sunglasses are left smelling fresh.

Sunglass Smell Removal Solutions

1 Vodka Wipe

Vodka may sound like a strange solution, however the alcohol within this party drink will work to neutralize the built up organic odors living on the sunglasses surface. Apply a small amount of vodka to a paper towel and proceed to wipe down the affected areas of the sunglasses. Once you have given the sunglasses a thorough wipe, provide 10-15 minutes for the alcoholic beverage to naturally evaporate away. As a note of precaution, some lenses may be negatively affected by alcohol. It is recommended that you only apply this solution to the frame of the sunglasses.

2 Deodorize with Enzymes

This cleaning solution is sure to literally eat away at the odor producing residues living on the surface area of the sunglasses. Dampen a paper towel with enzyme cleaning solution and lightly apply the moist tissue against the affected areas of the sunglasses. Upon contact with the smelly residues, the active enzymes will go to work in eating through the unpleasantness to leave your eyewear smelling fresh.

3 Sunglasses in Sun

This is one of the most effective solutions for those wary of using chemical compounds to deodorize their sunglasses. The fresh air, open space and ultra violet rays will work to burn through the odorous residues and carry them away. Find a location outside where the sunglasses are sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. Place the sunglasses within this spot in the morning and return at dusk to perform a smell test. If any odor remains, you can try a second or third day within the sun until the odor has been eliminated.

4 Neutralize with Hand Sanitizer

This solution works in the same way that it is used to kill bacteria within your palms. There are often odorous bacteria thriving within the surface residues of the sunglasses that cause the unwanted odor. By cutting through the bacteria, you will be able to eliminate the embedded odors within the eyewear. Take precautions in applying this solution to the sunglass lenses. Although this solution should cause no negative effects, it would be smart to first test it within a corner of the lens before applying to the entire viewable area.

5 Freeze Sunglasses

In many cases where that glasses are suffering from the build up of dead skin particles and sweat, killing the bacteria within these residues is the only way to eliminate the odor. By placing your sunglasses within a ziplock bag, and leaving them within the freezer for 48 hours you will be sure to kill off all remaining bacteria that may be a at the root of the odor. Once sunglasses are removed from the freezer, it is recommend to place them withinthe sun for the day to boost the freshness within the eye wear.

6 Activated Charcoal Absorption

For extreme odors, activated charcoal briquettes can be used to draw out unwelcome chemical odors. Fill a small box with activated charcoal briquettes and place sunglasses inside before sealing closed. Once the sunglasses are within the box, allow them to sit for a minimum of 5-7 days. During this time, the absorbent charcoal briquettes will slowly work as a sponge to pull in the odor and leave the sunglasses smelling like new.


How to Get Musty Smell Out of Books

While reading old books, there is almost always an unsettling musty odor associated with them.  One always questions, where have these books been and what did the last owner do to it to make it smell this way.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to neutralize the odor and return some form of freshness within your aged book.  By following the below solutions, you can be sure that the mustiness will be eliminated to return your book to it’s former state.

Solutions for Deodorizing Musty Books

1 Microwave Your Book

It may sound strange to microwave your musty smelling book, but this can have the effect of killing the mildew spores that are causing the foul odor.  The high heat within the microwave create an environment which is unlivable for the odorous mold spore.  To put this solution into effect, start by microwaving your book for 15 seconds, and move on to 20, or 30 seconds if no positive effects are experience.  As a note of precaution, make sure that your books do not contain any metal before placing it within the microwave as this may led to disastrous results.

2 Freeze Your Book

Similar to microwaving, the musty smelling book can be placed within the freezer for similar results.  The cold environment of the freezer will create a cold environment that the mold spore within the book will not have a chance of surviving.  To use this method, place a book within a ziplock bag and place within the freezer for a minimum of 48 hours.  Once two days have passed, the bag can be removed from the freezer revealing a fresh smelling book.

3 Ziplocked Baking Soda

This household powder is fantastic at absorbing odors from items within the home.  Place the book within a ziplock bag and add in a half cup of baking soda.  Shake bag vigorously to make sure that the deodorizing powder makes it’s way within the pages of that mildew ridden book.  Provide 24-48 hours for the baking soda to absorb the odor, before opening the ziplock bag and clearing the powder from the pages.

4 White Vinegar Mixture

As a household acid, white vinegar can work miracles at cutting through mildew spore within aged books to return freshness to the pages.  Mix a solution of of one part with vinegar with three parts warm water within a spray bottle.  While flipping the book’s pages spray within to ensure that all pages have made contact with the deodorizing acid.  It is important to turn the spray on the lightest mist and only spray a coup, of time to prevent water damage within the pages.  Finalize by hanging the book to have the solution air dry from the pages.

5 Tea Tree Oil

This natural oil also contains anti-fungal properties that will be sure to combat the smells within a musty book.  Mix a solution of one part tea tree oil with ten parts water within a spray bottle.  Proceed to spray within the pages with a light mist while flipping the pages.  During this process, make sure that you spray a maximum of 2-3 skirts to avoid water damage.  Once the tea tree oil dry the scent of the oil and the existing musty odor will cease to exist.

6 Vodka Mist

This party drink has a secondary function of eliminating difficult smells and drying away odorlessly.  Pour a small about of vodka within a spray bottle and proceed to lightly mist the book while flipping the pages.  Hang the book up and the alcohol should quickly evaporate away and lift off the residual musty odor.

7 Activated Charcoal Absorption

If you have the time, this solution can be effective at lifting away musty book odors without the need to come into contact.  Place several activated charcoal briquettes within an old pair of nylon leggings and place within a small cardboard box.  Proceed to add musty books within, and sealing the box closed so no air can come in our out.  Finally, allow for the box to sit for 5-7 days before returning to remove the freshened books.

Preventive Measures

1 Cool, Dry & Light Location

Musty books are best avoided by keeping books within a space where mildew is not likely to develop.  Ideally, store your books within and cool, dry location with a moderate light source to avoid developing an unpleasant smell.  The worst place that books can be stored are within a warm, wet and dark location similar to a basement.


How to Get Smell Out of a Thermos

These mobile drinking devices are used to carry a variety of hot and cold beverages. After much use, a range of the offensive odors can develop within these drinking devices.

Fortunately, there remain several solutions for neutralizing built-up drink related odors within any thermos and return it to normal. By following some simple household solutions, you can be sure that your thermos will be smelling fresh again.

Preliminary Deodorizing Steps for Thermos

1 Deodorize with Heat

As a guiding principle, you will need to deodorize your thermos at the same temperature in which the odor was created. If your thermos carries the stench of build-up coffee, you will need to treat the inside with water at the same temperature as your coffee is created. When the inside of the thermos is heated the interior walls expand and alway for deodorizing solutions to get at the previously embedded odorous residues. In short, you will always want to deodorize your thermos with heated water.

2 Work On Crud Build-Up

After much use, beverage build-up within the thermos can develop and create an unpleasant odor. This is something that you will want to keep in check by continually scrubbing the interior walls to remove. If the build-up is particularly resistant, you may want to consider soaking the thermos in hot water and scrubbing it with the rough side of a sponge.

3 Try a Detergent Soak First

Before trying the home remedies outlined below, you may find that hot dish detergent soak is all that is required to clean the thermos and remove it’s odor. Draw a bath of hot water on one side of the sink and measure 2-3 teaspoons of dish detergent to be mixed within this solution. Place the thermos with the bath and provide 1-2 hours for it to soak within the mixture. Once this time has passed, rinse thermos out, do a smell test and place it back within use.

Alternative Household Deodorizing Suggestions

1 Mix in Baking Soda

This household ingredient works wonders at absorbing difficult odors from household items. Fill the thermos with one part baking soda and ten part hot water. Once the thermos has been entirely filled seal the lid and allow for the thermos to sit for 3-4 hours. The hot water will go to work in expanding the interior wall while the baking soda cleans and draws in the odors. After 2-3 hours have passed, pour out the contents, and rinse out the thermos for future use.

2 White Vinegar

This household acid is fantastic at cutting through odorous residues that have built up with time. White vinegar is low cost and will help in neutralizing the pervasive stench of nearly any thermos. Mix one part white vinegar with five parts hot water and seal the lid of the thermos for 2-3 hours. After this waiting period, return to pour out the contents and rinse out the white vinegar. Please note that it is normal for the thermos to smell of vinegar until it has completely dried out.

3 Apple Cider Vinegar

Similar to white vinegar, apple cider vinegar works by applying it’s natural acid to eliminate unwanted odors within the thermos. Though both forms of vinegar yield a similar result, apple cider vinegar is significantly more expensive than white vinegar. To apply this solution, fill the thermos up with one part apple cider vinegar and ten parts hot water. Proceed to seal the lid of the thermos and provide a long waiting time of 5-6 hours for the apple cider vinegar to produce it’s results. Once this time has passed, pour the contents out and rinse the thermos out.

4 Vodka

This party drink works well doubling as a deodorant. The alcohol within the solution cuts through smelly organics and leaves no scent behind. Pour one shot of vodka and add within the thermos. Follow this by filling ing the remaining space of the thermos with hot water and sealing the lid. Allow for the mixture the sit for 3-4 hours before removing the lid and pouring out the contents. Before placing back within use, rinse out and dry the thermos.

5 Activated Charcoal

If all else has failed and you have plenty of time on your hands, you can use activated charcoal to absorb the remain odor from your thermos. Begin by smashing a single briquette of activated charcoal into a powdery substance. Proceed by pouring the contents within the thermos and filling the remaining space with hot water before sealing the lid. Once sealed, provide 2-3 days for the activated charcoal to absorb any remaining smells from the interior of the thermos. Once this period of time has passed, pour out the contents and give the interior of the thermos a detergent soap wash. It is recommended that you proceed at your own risk with this solution, as it could lead to some discoloration within the interior of the thermos.
