How to Get Alcohol Smell Off Breath

In the morning following a bender many people experience the smelly side effects of alcohol breath. This stale stink can be embarrassing in social situations and deadly for any random person you may wake up next to.

Though getting rid of the stench may seem hopeless, there remain a handful of quick and dirty effective tips and tricks for freshening your breath on a moments notice. By using the below suggestions, you can slay your dragon’s breath and erase the evidence of your alcoholic indiscretion.

Smell Removal Solutions for Alcohol Breath

1 Brush Teeth

However obvious this may seem, brushing one’s teeth is one of the most effective tools in eliminating alcohol breath. If you expect to be crashing somewhere other than your home, consider packing a toothbrush and toothpaste for the occasion. A travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste work well for this and can be fit within a purse or a man’s pockets.

2 Mouthwash

Similar to brushing teeth, the use of mouthwash can work wonders in removing the stench of alcohol from your breath. Travel sized Listerine can be packed to battle this planned morning breath on a moments notice. When selecting a mouthwash, opt for one in neon green or blue that will usually indicate that it contains a natural astringent. Otherwise, you will just be battling alcohol breath with another form of alcohol.

3 Hydrogen Peroxide

If all you can find is hydrogen peroxide, you can use this as another form of mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in several leading mouthwashes and can be highly effective in combating alcohol breath. When using, be sure to mix this in equal parts with water to dilute it before sipping and swishing within your mouth.

4 Drink Plenty of Water

Although this is probably good advice in regardless of the alcohol breath, the consumption of several cups of water can help in washing down that stale odor within your mouth. For best, results, it is advisable that you consume a minimum of two to three cups of water to banish this foul odor from your mouth.

5 Pack Mints or Gum

Another tried and true solution for immediately improving the stench of alcohol breath is to crew gum or consume mints in the morning following a night of heavy drinking. These breath fresheners can easily fit within pockets and can be used immediately after waking up.

6 Devour an Apple or Orange

The fiber in apples and the citric acid in oranges are effective in cutting through alcohol breath. Upon waking up in the morning, try to hunt down one of these fruit for immediate consumption. Although some stale breath may remain, much of the stench will be eliminated.


Although every youth has a reckless side, these tips should never be used to drink and drive. These bad breath reduction suggestions are written to combat alcohol breath in the morning when you have become fully sober. Drinking and driving is both dangerous to your own health as well as others.


How to Get Coffee Smell Off Breath

Our morning habits are often the most difficult change. Like many people, we rely on morning brew but would like to avoid the smelly aftermath of coffee breath. Often, we forget to treat our mouth after consuming coffee and are left exhaling a stale stench for the entire day.


Fortunately, there are a range of solutions within the home and while on the go that can neutralize coffee stench and return freshness to breath. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that your breath is coffee-free and smelling its best.


Smell Removal Solutions for Coffee Breath

1 Eat an Apple

This may sound overly simplistic, but eating an apple after having your a daily dose of coffee can have powerful impact on freshening one’s breath. The fresh fiber within this fruit helps to cleanse the mouth of build up coffee residues and absorb stale odor brought on by coffee consumption. If you expect to be drinking heavy amounts of brew, consider packing an apple along to counteract the resulting stale breath.


2 Glass of Water

Although drinking a glass of water after coffee may seem like excessive liquids, it remains one of the most powerful tools against coffee breath. This drink will work to cleanse your palate of any odorous residues and leave your breath smelling fresh. In most coffee shops, you can order a complementary side glass of water to accompany your coffee.


3 Ginger Candies

Though almost any candy will have a freshening effect on one’s breath, the use of ginger candies can have an increased impact in cutting through coffee breath. You can easily pack a bag of ginger candies within you day bag to be used after consuming coffee. Due to their portability, these candies are a great option for anyone on the go.


4 Gum or Mint

Just because this is a popular method for freshening breath does not mean that it is ineffective at alleviating your morning induced dragon breath. If you can get in a habit of always carrying a roll of mints of a pack of gum, you worries of being caught with coffee breath will be greatly minimized.


5 Glass of Lemonade or Orange Juice

The citric acid in lemonade or orange juice can yield fantastic results on coffee breath. The natural acids within these juices help to cut through existing coffee resides within your mouth to wash them away. A small cup of either of these juices will usually be sufficient to freshen one’s breath and eliminate residual coffee breath.


6 Baking Soda Swish

The is cleaning powder can work well in as a homemade mouthwash. Mix one part baking soda with four parts water and stir well within a glass. Sip the mixture and proceed to swish within your mouth for a minimum of 60 seconds. During this time, the baking soda will work to absorb the difficult coffee odor will having the added benefit of making teeth whiter.


7 Brush Teeth or Mouthwash

While this may seem obvious, many people may not have considered using mouthwash or brushing teeth after drinking coffee. Though this may seem like a challenging deodorizing solution while on the go, many people use travel tooth brushes and pint sided mouth wash bottles to navigate this obstacle.


8 Hydrogen Peroxide

As a final solution, the use of hydrogen peroxide can work well at eliminating coffee breath. This chemical compound is used as the active ingredient within many brands of mouth wash, and can be purchased at the drug store for less than two dollars. When using hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash, be sure to cut the potency of the compound in half by mixing it in equal parts with water before swishing and spitting out.


How to Get Latex Smell Off Hands

For many occupations, the use of latex gloves are a necessary barrier between your skin and potentially dangerous chemical and biological matter. Regrettably, the constant use of latex can leave your hands with an off-putting unnatural odor.


Fortunately, there remain a wide range of household and workplace solutions for making latex stench a thing of the past. The use of the following tips and tricks will help to eliminate any latex smell within your hands to leave your palms and fingers smelling fresh.


Latex Smell Removal Solutions for Hands

1 Regular Soap & Wash

Although you may have already given this a try, washing hands with regular hand soap under a faucet will usually do the tick in removing any unwanted latex odors. For especially pervasive latex odors, you my want to consider one of the following solutions.


2 Hand Sanitizer

Besides being a useful hand cleanser on the go, the high level of alcohol within this solution can work well at cutting through latex odors. If you find that you need to wear latex gloves on a regular basis, you may want to consider carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer with you for deodorizing purposes.


3 Baking Soda Sprinkle

Several workers within the medical fields have claimed that sprinkling baking soda within the glove prior to use can help a great deal in cutting down on the odor. For an additional boost, you can also sprinkle a small amount inside your hand and proceed to rub the powder through your palms and finger before placing the latex gloves on.


4 Squeeze Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemons makes the fruits juice very effective at cutting through difficult latex odors in your hands. To apply, squeeze a small amount of this juice within your palm and proceed to rub the juice through your palms and fingers. Once completed, the lemon juice residues can be rinsed from your freshened hands under a faucet. As an additional note, using the juice from oranges and limes can have a similar positive effect as lemons, because they all possess citric acid.


5 Shampoo Hand Wash

Although this solution may sound strange, many claim that the use of shampoo is far more effective on latex hand odors than using regular hand soap. Simply apply the shampoo as though it were a hand soap and proceed to wash hands under the faucet to eliminate the rubbery latex odor within your palms and fingers.


How to Get Poop Smell Off Hands

Poopy mishaps have been known to while cleaning ourselves or our baby’s bottom. Once the stench of fecal matter has found it’s way within our fingers, it can be an extremely difficult scent to eliminate.

Though it may seem like your hands will never return to normal, there are a range of effective household solutions for deodorizing your palms. By using the following tips and tricks you can be sure that your hands will be poo-free and smelling fresh.

Poop Smell Solutions for Hands

1 Old Fashion Detergent

If you haven’t already done so, you should try washing hands with dish detergent soap. This type of soap has some deodorizing properties and may help in breaking down residual poop particles that may be clinging to your palm or fingers. In many cases, the use of dish detergent will be all that is needed to rid yourself of poop smelling palms.

2 Baking Soda Paste

This household powder has been used for generations as a deodorizer of difficult odors. If imply washing hands with soap has not delivered desirable results, you can proceed to create a baking soda paste that can help to absorb the residual poop aroma. Mix a solution of one part baking soda with two parts water within a small bowl and proceed to apply to the affected areas of your hands. Once you have rubbed this deodorizing compound through hands for 60-90 seconds, the baking soda residues can be washed away to leave hands smelling fresh.

3 White Vinegar Splash

As a common cooking and cleaning acid found within the kitchen, this substance can work wonders in cutting through difficult poop related odors within your hands. Begin by splashing hands with this solution and proceed to rub the white vinegar within the affected areas of the palms and fingers for 60-90 seconds. You may need to do this process 2-3 times if any odors remains within hands after the first application.

4 Neutralize with Rubbing Alcohol

In a similar application as white vinegar, the high alcohol levels within this compound can work to neutralize fecal odors on contact. After first washing hands, proceed to splash palms with rubbing alcohol and proceed to rub the solution within the hands until the alcohol has completely evaporated. If odors remain, try a second or rubbing alcohol splash until your hands are completely freshened.

5 Lemon Juice Squeeze

The citric acid within the lemon juice can work to slice through the difficult poop stench within your hands. Once you have soap washed hands, proceed to squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice within one palm,and proceed to rub the juice through hands. If lemons are not available, an orange or a lime can yield similar deodorizing results.

6 Vodka

When rubbing alcohol is not available, the use of vodka can provide similar results. As always, make sure that hands have been washed with soap before using this method. Begin by pouring 1-2 teaspoons of vodka within one palm, and proceed to rub it within hands until the alcohol has completely evaporated away.


How to Get Skunk Smell Off Hands

While treating your dog or cat, the problem of getting skunk oil entrenched within one’s hands is a serious problem. The sharp stench of skunk oil can cause an overwhelming amount of discomfort and require immediate attention.


Fortunately, there are several household solutions that can be used to deodorizing one’s palm’s no matter how bad the odor is. By using the below tips and tricks, you can be sure that the odor will be removed to never return again.



De-Skunking Solutions for Hands

1 Mandatory: Eliminate Skunk Oils

You will need to begin by breaking down the odorous skunk oils within the hands. Using soap detergent is effective at doing this and works well at cutting through these oily residues to allow them to be stripped away. While applying to your palms, be sure to lather well and keep the detergent on the hands for a minimum of 1-2 minutes. Upon completion wash the dish detergent away with cold water.


2 Pour Hydrogen Peroxide

This deodorizing compound works well at eliminating odors and neutralizing the smell of skunk on contact. Pour the hydrogen peroxide in your hands and proceed to rub the solution through your hands and fingers. Allow the solution to stay on your hands for 1-2 minutes before washing the chemical compound away.


3 Mouthwash Splash

This solution does more than clean and deodorize your teeth. Splash hands with mouthwash and proceed to rub the solution through your palms and hands. Rub for 20-30 seconds before washing the mouth wash residues away from your hands.


4 Rub Hands with Tomato Juice

Tomato juice can have a similar effect on one’s hands as it does while deodorizing the fur on cats and dogs. Pour a small portion of tomato juice within your hands and proceed to rub it through hands for several minutes before washing your freshened hands clean under the faucet.


5 Lemon Juice Squeeze

The citric acid within lemon juice can do much to cut through the difficult stench of skunk smell. Squeeze a good amount of lemon juice within one’s palms and proceed to rub the acidic solution through your palms and fingers.


6 Baking Soda Rub

This odor absorbent powder can work wonders at pulling in difficult odors. Place 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda within one’s palms and proceed to create a paste of the powder by quickly putting hands under the faucet. Proceed to rub the paste within palms and fingers for 2-3 minutes before rinsing clean of hands.


7 Rubbing Alcohol Wipe

As a final solution, the high alcoholic content of this solution can work well in neutralizing odors within hands upon contact. Splash hands with this solution and proceed to rub the alcohol through palms and fingers. Do this for 30-40 seconds before washing the hands clean of any moisture.


Photo credit: Brian Garrett

How to Get Smell Out of Nose

When we have sniffed something that is especially foul, a residual stink can develop within the nose. This is often the result of odorous particles making their way within the nose and lining the walls of the nostrils.

Although many people rely on waiting it out and allowing their nostrils to aerate, there are a handful of solutions for speeding the freshening process. By following the below solutions, your nostrils will be cleared to freshly smell whatever it is the you like.

Solutions for Removing Smell from Nose

1 Homemade Nasal Deodorizer

A Gather Sport Water Bottle + Baking Soda + Salt

You make your own household nose cleaner from a range of household ingredients. You will need to track down a sport water bottle, some baking soda and salt. The salt will work to allow the fluid to go into your body without it immediately rejecting it, while the baking soda provides a deodorizing effect. You will need to make sure your sort water bottle contains a suction nipple for this solution to provide desired results. See example in adjacent photo ->

B Mix Ingredients

You will want to partially fill a clean sports water bottle with a cup of warm water and teaspoon of baking soda and salt. Next, you will need to close the cap and give the mixture a good shake to ensure that the salt and baking soda completely dissolves within the mixture.

C Apply to Nose

To apply, you will need to open the valve on the water bottle’s nipple and press the opening against one of your nostrils while creating an airtight connection. Tilt head silty and begin to squeeze the bottle and allow the deodorizing substance to flow through your nasal passage way. You will then need to proceed to doing this with the other nostril to completely wipe out the unwelcome aroma within your nose.

2 Nasal Spray + Baking Soda

A Apply Baking Soda

As the preliminary step, you will need to apply baking soda within your nose. This is best accomplished by moistening your finger and sticking it within a mound of baking soda. This will cause heavy amounts of baking soda to naturally clump to your finger. Next, you will need to stick and then twist your finger deep within your nose. Twisting finger will ensure that much of the powder will reside within the walls of you nostrils. Once both nostril walls are covered in baking soda, you may appear to have a dangerous drug habit, but rest assured that baking soda is doing it’s job.

B Squirt Nasal Spray

After applying baking soda, proceed to use two bursts of your nasal spray within each nostril. This will help to dilute the baking soda and allow the deodorizing powder to work it’s magic deep within your nasal passage way. Finish by blowing nose and wiping away any baking soda remaining on nostrils.


How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

In a social world, bad breathe can be a deal breaker.  Interacting with someone who has chronic bad breathe is an unpleasant experience that can lead to discomfort.  The stale stench can be embarrassing and can lead to others question your bodily and oral health and hygiene.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for treatment of difficult oral odors to return freshness to your breath.  Using a combination of the following solutions will be sure to reduce or remove the foul stench within your breathe and ensure that it never returns.

Deodorizing Solutions for Bad Breath

1 Drink More Water

Regularly drinking water will help in ensuring that you maintain fresh smelling breath. Water helps the mouth in staying hydrated and makes sure that bacteria does not become stagnate and grow. This is important because bacteria is one of the largest contributors to bad breath.

2 An Apple A Day

Many claim that eating an apple a day will do much to remove the negative effects of bad breath. While this is only a temporary solution, the crispy fiber does a great job in cleansing the mouth getting rid of excess plaque that may be causing the problem. Similarly, bananas also can have a positive effect if you are out of apples.

3 Candies & Gum

This solution has been used for generations to cover up bad breath. While most any candy or gum will have some short-term positive effect, ones that are naturally supplemented with cinnamon or ginger will have a much greater effect.

4 Mouthwash or Hydrogen Peroxide

Both hydrogen peroxide and astringent mouthwash can be effective at removing bad breath. When selecting mouthwash you can usually spot the astringent variety by it’s intense blu or green coloring. While all mouthwashes work, ones that only use high alcohol levels to kill bacteria will not be as powerful.

Bad Breath Prevention Tips

1 Keep Good Oral Health

The number one thing you can do to ensure good breath is to maintain good oral health. Keeping good oral health means that you are complying with the following standards:

A Brushing Teeth

It may sound gross, but many people fail to brush their teeth on a daily basis. Be sure that you are different, and always brush you teeth during both morning and night before going to bed. As a general rule, if you are brushing for less than 60 second, you can be doing a better job in cleaning your teeth.

B Flossing Teeth

Much of the odor producing plaque that causes bad breath lives in the cracks and creases of the gum line and between the teeth. Flossing will help you reach these difficult location the snap out any bacteria grim that may be causing you mouth to smell. Make sure that you are flossing daily to prevent unwanted buildup.

C Scraping Tongue

People rarely scrape their tongue, but this remains an important step in fighting the odorous bacteria within your mouth. The are countless groves and seams within your tongue where bacteria can grow. Scraping your tongue on a daily basis will ensure that this area is kept clean and clear of plaque.

2 Stay Away From Garlic and Onions

Both of these ingredients are known perpetrators of bad breath. If you are eating high quantities of these white vegetables of a regular basis, they may just be the source of you problem. As a preventative measure you can either test your own breath or ask a friend to smell you exhale after eating either of these ingredients at a restaurant.

3 Don’t Smoke Cigarettes

Besides being harmful to your health, smoking cigarettes on a regular basis can have a negative effect on your breath. Regular smokers should consider cutting back on there habit or stopping altogher if they are regularly combating a stale smoker’s breath. If quitting is not an option, the following guide can provide some extra ideas for freshening breath on the short term: Guide: How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Mouth

Long-term Bad Breath Solutions

1 See a Family Physician

If you are doing everything you can to reduce staleness within your breath with no success, your particular problem may be a medical one. During your next visit to the doctor bring up your problem and ask if it may be indicative of any larger problems.


How to Get Smell Out of Armpits

Armpit odors can vary in degrees of unpleasantness, and are never something you want to advertise in public. They are always posing a personal challenge to keep smelling fresh, as armpit stench can be a frustrating and embarrassing reoccurrence.

Fortunately, there exist a wide range of fast and effective solutions for eliminating armpit odor and ensuring that the problem does not return. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that your armpits will be funk-free and always smelling at their best.

Armpit Odor Removal Solutions

1 Traditional Deodorant

This solution may be one used by the majority of the population, however it is for a good reason. These mobile deodorizing sticks help to eliminate difficult armpit odors on the go. Always make sure to pack one within your purse, hand bag or backpack before leaving the house to ensure that your pits will be smelling fresh no matter where you are.

2 Apple Cider Vinegar

This household acid works to eliminate the odorous bacteria within armpits to leave them smelling fresh. Dampen a paper towel with apple cider vinegar, and proceed wipe down your clean and dry armpits with the solution. Next, provide 20-30 minutes for the vinegar to do it’s intend function before naturally air drying away.

3 Lime Wipe

In a similar function as vinegar, the citric acid within limes will work wipe out any smelly bacteria in existence within one’s armpits. The application of the lime’s juice is simple and can be performed within a short period of time. Apply by cutting the lime in two parts and pressing the exposed fruit flesh against the inside of the armpits. Finally, allow the citrus juice to naturally evaporate away as it lifts away the odorous scent of armpit odor.

4 Sweat It Out

If you have built-up odor deep within of your armpits, the best way to alleviate the stench is to sweat the odorous bacteria out. A heavy and sweaty workout will help to open the skin pores and leak out the unpleasant fluids from within the armpits.

Armpit Odor Prevention Tips

1 Light Breathable Clothing

If you find that your pits are regularly sweatly, you may want to consider wearing light-weight breathable shirts. These shirts provide better air circulation and ensure that less sweat is produced within this region of the body. With less sweat and stagnant skin cells, the chance of odorous bacteria thrive within this region will be lowered.

2 Baby Powder After Shower

As an additional deodorizing step, baby powder can be applied within one’s armpits to ensure that sweat does not build and that this area remains dry. After getting out of the shower and blot drying your armpits, powder them up with a small portion of baby powder. As a note of precaution, this solution can lead to white visible powdered spots near the armpit location when wearing shirts in dark tones.

3 Avoid Spicy Food

Spicy food is known to increase prespiration and moisture within the body and under the armpits. If you are already a natural sweater, you may wish to consider avoiding anything like spicy food which is likely to increase your natural amount of bodily fluids which are secreted.

4 Cut Cigarettes & Alcohol

Studies have shown that the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol can lead to an increased and sharper smelling bodily odor. Much of these toxins are naturally secreted out of the skin pores causing a nasty additional bodily stench.

5 Lower Sugar Intake

The consumption of sugar has the effect of lowering the immune system and allowing bacteria to build within greater quantities on the skin. With higher levels of bacteria growing within the armpits, it will naturally lead to a worse smelling aroma.


How to Know If You Smell

The most challenging part of personal odor is that it can be difficult to smell oneself. In such cases, you can smell quite rotten before knowing that it is time to take a deodorizing shower.

Obviously, everyone would like to prevent a nasty body odor from developing, and a handful of preventative steps have been created to do just that. By following the below solution, you can be sure that your personal funk never gets out of hand.

Personal Smell Detection Tips

1 If You Can Smell It, Others Can Too

As a guiding principle, if you can smell the odors, other people have been able to smell it for an even longer period of time. For this reason, you should take immediate action once the smell has been detected to prevent any further unpleasantness around friends, family, and coworkers. People aren’t always given the benefit of the doubt, and strangers may assume that you are a regular homeless person.

2 Ask a Trusted Friend For a Sniff Test

We are not always great at detecting our own odors, so asking a close friend for their personal opinion is a great way to check if you smell bad. The tricky part of this solution is that no one generally wants to smell another person. It can be an unpleasant and unrewarding act.  If need be, incentivize you trusted friend with a small gift if they are to drive nose deep within your armpit for a smell check.

3 Cup Hands & Breath

One highly effective way to tell if your breath smells is to cup your hands and breath within them.  After breathing within your hands via your mouth, quickly move cupped hand upwards and inhale through your nose.  In most cases when one’s breath is especially bad, this test will inform the unfortunate  person that he is in need of a mint.

4 Develop a Regime

If you find that your breathe or body odors develop when you forget to brush teeth or shower regularly, make sure that you setup a regimented timetable to perform these acts.  This will help in keeping a clear conscience that you are smelling fresh and are never the smelly person within the room.

5 Do the Finger Test

If you are worried that your body odor might be higher than normal, you should try smelling your own armpit.  Though this take some flexibility, most people should be able to get close enough to their own armpit to get a fix on whether it it smelly or not.  If You are unable to tell, you can stick one finger under your armpit for 10 seconds before proceeding to smell the odor that has built up upon your finger.  If your digit is carrying an especially foul stench it may be a sign that you are in need of a shower.


How to Tell Someone They Smell

Being around a smelly person makes for an uncomfortable environment and a challenging predicament. Obviously, you would like them to make an effort to smell better, but you would also like to avoid a nasty confrontation or say anything to personally offend them.

In this difficult situation, there remain tactful and considerate ways to get your stinky friends and coworkers to smell better.  By following the below suggestions you can be sure that you’ll be able to deliver your message and have them smelling fresher with minimal collateral damage.

Tactful Ways to Tell Someone They Smell

1 Is It Worth It?

Before moving forward with telling someone that they have body odor on a regular basis, you may want to consider weighing the pros and cons of telling them such a thing. If your delivery of this information does not go smoothly, you can stand to potentially damage the relationship. With this said, think about the amount of time you spend around these people and whether it might be a better solution to keep them on you good side by keeping your lips sealed. Ask yourself the following questions before proceeding:

1) Are they really so smelly that I cannot tolerate being around them?
2) How much time do I need to spend around them every day?
3) How is this information likely to be received?
4) What are the repercussions if informing them goes badly?

2 Boast About a Deodorizing Product

If you use a deodorizing product for your own needs, you can say how wonderful the product has worked for yourself and suggest that other people try it. This objective it to sell the smelly person on a particular deodorizing product regime that will ensure that they buy it and use it within the future. Although this is great in theory, it can be quite challenging to perform this task.  Offend, people who are set within unhygienic habits and no amount of any deodorant will prevent them stinking.

3 Keep the Delivery Light & Focus on Today

If you do decide that you have a good relationship with the smelly friend, family member or co-worker you may wish to consider telling them directly.  If you do decide to do this, outline the issue as a problem for that specific day.  No one ever wants to be known as the “smelly guy” (or girl), and receiving information that you smell today rather than everyday is much easier for someone to swallow.  After delivering the news, most people are likely to make sure that they maintain their hygiene for the foreseeable future.  After all, everyone is allowed to smell bad once in awhile, but noone wants to be known for smelling bad all of the time.

4 Keep Your Anonymity

If you decide that telling the smelly person directly is not an option, then using the following website can help you in delivering your message without revealing your identity.  The website “Stench Informer” will deliver your desired message without notifying the stinky person that you are the one behind it.  All that is required is the person’s email to let them know that their personal stink is an issue.  Note: This method may be easier for the sender, but it will often produce paranoia for the person receiving the email.  Take consideration of the smelly person and decide whether this really is the best way to let them know.

5 Discretion is Key

No matter what you decide, it is always best to keep things discrete. Talk amongst friends and co-workers can be funny, but it is likely to have damaging side-effects if such chatter is to get out of hand. Whether you decide to keep you anonymity or tell them directly, it is best for you to take the initiative and talk to them directly about the problem. No one wants to be an office place joke, so do your part to make sure they don’t become one.
